Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Marketing - Page 15

Whether you are a start-up that didn't get off the ground due to COVID, a small business, or a large corporation, you are faced with uncertain times and a very volatile marketplace which means that your online performance and in particular your digital marketing strategy may not be working quite as effectively as it should.

There are an abundance of grants available to small businesses looking to pivot their businesses online, but many are finding that the cheapest deal comes with dodgy web developers who are really just doing the numbers. Their sales spiel may be good, but their website development skills don't match. Many are offshoring their web development giving small businesses websites that are merely templates that don't have any of the basic factors taken into account.
Normally I would say it's not Government's responsibility to help market small businesses, but all of that changed when the Government imposed bans on companies opening their doors.

With threats (and I mean threats) of more to come, small businesses throughout Melbourne and the rest of Victoria have been forced to close for a minimum of 6 weeks. That means no work, no clients, no ability to pay the bills and rent.
Coming into our Melbourne marketing agency today, I was faced with a huge dilemma - how are we going to adapt to wearing a facemask in the office? This might sound trivial but it is not. We talk all day long, on the phone, in person, during workshops and Zoom calls. How are we going to do this with a facemask on?
When a company chooses to engage a marketing agency or marketing consultant to run their marketing campaigns, it's important to ask a few marketing questions that will help you make a better decision on who is the right choice for marketing your company.

Sales and marketing have been at loggerheads forever. Just ask any marketer in the room. While marketing doesn't 'sell' per se, they are responsible for providing the forum for sales to occur. This means lead generation, brand building and sales support. Sales people sell. 


The level of awareness about your brand can say a lot about your company. Most small to medium-sized businesses don’t have the level of brand recognition of something like Apple, but it never hurts to be known for what you do. It’s essential to understand the audience that recognizes your branding and how it can grow. But how do you measure the awareness of your brand? Below, we have a few tactics for measuring brand awareness. 

The way technology and software companies are approaching the 'new marketing' era is evolving rapidly with nimble companies flexing their stronghold in delivering customers and prospects with communications that reinforce why they should be chosen over their competitors.

Interestingly enough, technology companies are still marketing, while many of their other discipline counterparts have pressed pause. The reason for this is the reliance on technology to power through any uncertainty and secure companies with better efficiencies, long-term cost savings and outcomes.

Is there a lack of focus in your marketing efforts? Are you having trouble committing to a certain approach? Do you have a marketing strategy in place? It can be really difficult to execute any plans without a marketing strategy. Marketing is like a game of chess, where you’re constantly thinking of the next step. A marketing strategy will map out what goals you want to accomplish and how you want to accomplish these goals.


Enterprise technology and software companies have to approach marketing from different angles than your typical marketing departments. It is continuously evolving, and we need to be sure that we're utilising tactics that generate results. The market is overly saturated for attention, with everyone pushing to get attention to their own companies. Here, we have four great ways to market your tech company better.


The most significant blind spot that companies have to deal with is understanding what their customer's journey is. What is it like to purchase your business? Understanding your customer's journey is a crucial part of improving the overall customer experience. Without this insight, you will never know the obstacles or challenges that your customers might be facing in their decision to make a purchase. You need to deeply understand what it is about your brand that attracts customers, and what could potentially turn them away. Essentially, you need to walk in their shoes. Below, we have five steps to consider when creating a customer journey map.