Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: entrepreneur


Are you ready to make 2025 your best year yet? Whether you're an entrepreneur building your startup or a marketer navigating the ever-changing digital landscape, having the right strategies in your back pocket can set you apart from the competition.

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Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is an exciting venture filled with opportunities and challenges. One significant element that plays a pivotal role in this journey is marketing. For an entrepreneur, understanding the role of marketing is essential in establishing and growing a successful business.

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Running a business has its difficulties. From keeping up with market fluctuations to juggling multiple roles, the entrepreneurial journey can be overwhelming and hard to manage on your own. One area that can be especially hard to deal with is marketing. How do you promote your business successfully without breaking the bank or losing motivation?

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Ryan Reynolds has masterfully blended humour, authenticity and strategic partnerships to redefine marketing in the digital age. His approach, characterised by its clever use of social media, viral content and personal branding, has not only upgraded his businesses but also set a new benchmark for how brands engage with their audience. 

Published in Marketing

Is your glass half full or half empty? Is your mind and thought process holding you back from your full potential? Can positive thinking make you successful?

These are question’s every person should ask themselves as they embark on a new year, set goals and learn to live in a very different environment. The world is not how it use to be and that is a fact, but how are you going to adapt, cope and live your best life?

Published in Entrepreneurship


My new year’s resolution was simple: have rich conversations (and achieve my goals). Every year I have a theme and this year is conversation. Being as busy as I am on a day-to-day basis, somehow in between the isolation of COVID and the effect it had on both my business and mental health, I forgot about the importance of conversation. 

As 31st December ticked over into the new year, I asked myself, “What is the big f***ing deal?” 

Published in Entrepreneurship
The festive season is fast approaching and many companies are wondering what to do. It hasn't been the best year for business and for many, working from home means that there is less interaction with their service providers. The big question for many marketers is what should they do when it comes to Christmas gifting for clients? Gift boxes are all the rage but can you really send it to your clients home? Is that an invasion of privacy?
Published in Marketing
Monday, 15 June 2020

The magic pivot or play

We're almost six months into the year and from all accounts, it's been the most challenging, disruptive year in many of our lives. For business owners, it's been a time that has led to much reflection; cutting costs, closing doors, pivoting. Who would have thought that we would all be in this position together?
Published in Marketing
In the past 2 months I have spoken to more than 100 entrepreneurs in the technology, professional services, manufacturing and logistics industries. There has been a common thread to many of these calls, mostly that their website needs a revamp and they want to up their digital marketing efforts. It's not rocket science I know, but many companies didn't get on the digital bandwagon fast enough and have left it to the last minute. Better late than never, and there will always be those of whom think they can wait a little longer, which means ultimately, they will be the one's with less clients at the end of the day.
Published in Entrepreneurship

As much as I would love to say that being an entrepreneur is smooth sailing, I know that I would not be telling the full story.

I’ve had some astronomical wins over the years, but in fairness, I have had just as many failures.

Published in Entrepreneurship
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