Tag: government
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Why ego is at the heart of intimidation
Today I had the most awful experience. I was on an introductory call in relation to a government grant for the development of Robotic Marketers technology, and the external consultant intimidated me from start to finish.
I fell apart. I wasn't on my game. I didn't react well and I felt as though being a woman was to my detriment. I doubt he would have talked over a man in the same way he talked over me. He never let me finish a sentence, nor did he care that he was in fact representing a taxpayer body.
I fell apart. I wasn't on my game. I didn't react well and I felt as though being a woman was to my detriment. I doubt he would have talked over a man in the same way he talked over me. He never let me finish a sentence, nor did he care that he was in fact representing a taxpayer body.
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Tuesday, 04 August 2020
Government needs to help small business with marketing
Normally I would say it's not Government's responsibility to help market small businesses, but all of that changed when the Government imposed bans on companies opening their doors.
With threats (and I mean threats) of more to come, small businesses throughout Melbourne and the rest of Victoria have been forced to close for a minimum of 6 weeks. That means no work, no clients, no ability to pay the bills and rent.
With threats (and I mean threats) of more to come, small businesses throughout Melbourne and the rest of Victoria have been forced to close for a minimum of 6 weeks. That means no work, no clients, no ability to pay the bills and rent.
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Tuesday, 20 June 2017
5 Things I believe
I was reading an article about people's individual beliefs and it had me thinking...
I'm so opinionated on some topics, but not on others - and I really don't know why. When I grew up, I wasn't entitled to an opinion, and it wasn't part of our household to share our opinions on any topic. In fact, quite the opposite. In many ways, children should be seen and not heard.
Instead, I spent my time listening. Not talking. Not contributing. Just listening. I think that started a foundation where I sway from not saying too much to going over the top and participating too much. Then to now, where I think I have a healthy balance, but tend to say a little more than I would normally, usually under the guise of being a content writer.
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Mellissah Smith
Wednesday, 07 April 2010
Small Business gets another kick in the shins

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Small Business Marketing