Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: marketing eye

Twenty years ago, I set off on a journey that would fundamentally shape my professional life and personal identity. I started Marketing Eye when I was just 30, full of ambition and dreams, not fully realising the rollercoaster ride I had signed myself up for. Now, as I hit the 50-year mark, I reflect on the highs and lows, the sea changes within the industry and the personal growth that has defined this journey.

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Expanding your business into new markets is an exciting but challenging endeavour, especially when venturing into a vast market space like the United States. With its diverse consumer base, complex regulatory norms and fierce competition, the US market presents both opportunities and obstacles for Australian businesses looking to expand their reach. However, if you have the right partner by your side, manoeuvring the US market successfully and growing your business will become much easier.

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Accounting and financial planning businesses have always given off the impression of being traditionally conservative. This sector has not always been keen to ride every marketing wave that comes around. In fact, the role of marketing has often been overlooked or undervalued in the past by the accounting and financial planning sector. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift as firms in the Australian market recognise the importance of data-driven and thoughtful marketing in driving growth, differentiation and client engagement.

So, what caused them to switch sides? Let us look at the reasons behind the shift, the challenges and opportunities that have come with it and the strategies that the industry is now adopting to utilise power of marketing effectively.

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Nowadays even a simple search on LinkedIn for the words 'marketing' or 'marketer' yields over 10.6 million profiles worldwide. In this saturated digital industry, being creative and fresh in your content is the key to making a lasting mark. Whether you're writing your 10th blog for the day or planning your 15th campaign, the key to maintaining freshness lies in embracing a mindset of continuous learning. Here's a guide to help marketers infuse vitality into their content, ensuring each piece is not just another drop in the vast digital ocean but a resonant ripple that captivates the audience.

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Sitting for long periods is a modern-day plague particularly if you work from an office or work from home. We're often tied to our desks, glued to our screens, leading to detrimental effects on both our physical and mental well-being. One of the biggest culprits? Poor circulation.

The office chair can come in many forms, mostly based on a shape that we have come to believe is the best for our backs. Whoever said that was a marketing genius because decades later, we still believe in this notion.

A/B testing is the cornerstone of effective marketing, allowing for data-driven decision-making that can transform campaign outcomes. With 81% of marketers using A/B testing to improve conversion rates, it's clear that it is essential for campaign success. Our goal is to simplify the complexities of A/B testing and provide you with practical insights to help you use it effectively.

Published in Marketing

Today, we’re going at such a pace in business, that it’s no wonder many companies just can’t keep up. I feel like I have whiplash – most of the time! The gap between marketing strategy and its effective implementation is a common challenge faced by many companies and it hinders overall business performance. Despite carefully thought-through strategies, businesses often struggle to translate their ideas into tangible results. This disconnect can be costly, leading to missed opportunities and ineffective campaigns.

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