Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Management - Page 4

Part of me wants to be the nice person. Not necessarily the person that everyone loves, but nice and kind. Always thoughtful and considerate.

I've gone through life largely in a good space. I have had some amazing work experiences that have led to a lot of fulfillment from that front. Personally, I am blessed in so many ways, but you know, there are some things that you really can't have everything.

More than anything in the world, I want the next chapter of my life to be happy and about helping others. I try to do the best I can to go out of my way to help people less fortunate than me and share my good fortune with those I care about.
Read more about: Why I never reward bad behavior
Never give away everything, it's as simple as that.

Too many entrepreneurs get so desperate that they give away the kitchen sink when in fact all their prospect wanted to know was that they could do a good job.

As an entrepreneur, it's hard to start a business and to keep it going year-after-year profitability creating value and jobs. But many do so very successful, and yet those who fail seem to do so falling often on their own sword.
Read more about: Please, keep your pants on
Due to the high growth nature of our business and our relativley new inside sales model which is working a treat, we have had an abundance of positions available latley. 

Our team have been interviewing hundreds of candidates and its interesting to see how many of them perform in an interview setting, or as many would say, on the first date.

Here are 15 things every job interviewee should consider when going for an interview:
Read more about: Things every employee should consider when going for a job interview
Most entrepreneurs don't listen. They trust their gut instinct and often find that their newest great idea, should take precedence over everything else their business is doing.

While that is good and well, this constant need for gratification and results often leads to entrepreneurs missing the mark - and then wondering why they are forging ahead as first thought.
Read more about: Did you realize that it was you that stops your business growing?
I had a humbling experience today and I want to share with you just what that meant to me as an entrepreneur and founder.

Marketing Eye has been around for more than 10 years. We were not an overnight success, but have steadily grown a very successful business in Australia and in the US (Atlanta, Dallas, Seattle, Denver).

Building a business has never been easy and every single time I think that its got its groove going, I am awakened with a rude shock. It seems that the business is always growing, changing, adapting and needing a new influx of ideas or improvements in the way we do business.
Read more about: Why entrepreneurs should constantly rethink their businesses
Having siblings often is an essential ingredient in helping a child navigate the world, teaching them how to share, be empathetic, and play well with others. With only children, there is less need to navigate the world as usually parents over compensate for the fact that they are the "one and only" child they have, and help make their lives as smooth and easy as possible. All of their attention goes on the child, and when the child asks for something, its hard to say no - afterall, you only have one child.

Only children are more often than not spoilt. 
Read more about: Why only children can be hard work in the workplace
Unlike many professional services firms, I cared less about how much billable hours people are doing until the fatal day that it was brought to my attention by my internal accountant that some people were "performing" not as good as others and the gap was significant.

It is harder to work in a professional services firm than in corporate. Knowing that you have to do a certain number of billable hours is a lot of pressure until you actually stop thinking about it.
Read more about: The billable hours conundrum for professional services firms
It was a small project that I knew the result of even before it started. It had something to do with our company so it was experimental in every sense of the word. But I knew deep down it would fail, and I knew why.

Normally, I would be the first to say "that won't work". However, this wasn't the time. It was a small project and it wouldn't harm anyone by being a failure. Instead, it would be a lesson learned and I was willing to pay the price.
Read more about: Should you watch while your team fails?
Yesterday I caught up with one of the founders of Kookai, Rob Crombe, to talk about a community initiative that I am working on in Charters Towers in rural Queensland.

He asked me a question about success and I paused for a moment to reflect on how I would answer a question which eluded to me being successful.
Read more about: What is success and does it apply to you?
June is not for the faint hearted. Not only are business owners like me trying to get last minutes sales in to boost our financial performance, we are also trying to ensure that we take advantage of any tax breaks that may come our way thanks to the Australian Taxation Department. Sadly for me, I am not part of the criteria for the asset tax break of $20,000, but I am sure there are a few other areas that our accounting department can take advantage of.
Read more about: It's down to the business end of the year. Here's my big plan.
18 months ago, I decided to employ my niece who was 18 at the time, to work at the Marketing Eye Sydney office.

This is not a decision I took lightly and I spent a lot of time thinking it through. I decided that given how young she is, I would have her answer the phone and do administrative duties with the hope she would show aptitude for an area of the business, and we could further train her.
Read more about: Is having family in business a good idea?