Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Management - Page 2

With retrenchments far and wide, it comes as no surprise that many businesses have let their CMO’s go in lieu of a more cost-effective outsourced CMO from reputable companies like Marketing Eye.


Just like any other generation, Gen Z have their own preferences, outlooks, and conditions that make them unique. In light of a pandemic, Gen Z has become a bust generation preparing to survive – in stark contrast to many millennials' starting expectation that they would be able to easily thrive.


At Marketing Eye, we have a very diverse team. Members of our team come from the United States, Australia, Dubai, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and New Zealand. While accents may vary, the work that our team does remains based on an industry best practice standard and a need to bring diversity into our marketing perspective.

As a fast growing company, we are hiring new people across marketing, graphic design, software engineering and web development. It's an interesting time as while we have just gotten use to millennials, its now time to dig a little younger and foster growth in graduates.
In October, Marketing Eye will host its first corporate retreat for staff from around the world. We have put a lot of thought into where we should go, what sort of program would benefit employees, what our objectives are, and how do we engage our employees to go on the ride of growing the business to the next level.
Losing jobs to technology is really nothing new if you think about it – even when humans haven’t been totally overrun they have learned to adapt to technology and machinery to become more efficient and accurate in what they do.

With continued advances in artificial intelligence, technology and robotics, businesses will need to stop and rethink their approach to getting the job done in the most competitive manner.

Businesses are having to transform their training models and methods, reevaluate their hiring practices, reconsider their organisational structure and transform their job descriptions.
We are all on a journey in life, that is quite often than not, dictated by our desire for greater experiences or money. The latter is an interesting mark as it can either defeat you, or make you, and few people find the happy medium whereby they have enough to live a good life, and to give to others at the same time, without making money their scorecard.

Experiences are to be had. Sometimes people hold themselves back from their full potential, only to find disappointment in the end result. Why are they holding themselves back, when they could simply let go a bit and find their way into the place they were always searching to go? 
Reality Check: Robots haven’t just landed in the workplace – they are already expanding their skills, increasing productivity and retention rates, and moving up the corporate ladder. As technology continues to bring unprecedented improvements into the workplace that essentially streamline processes and creates efficiency, employees will really need to start thinking about their value and worth to an organisation. 
Perfectionism can be taken to unrealistic heights: let’s cast our minds to the fallout of the Harvey Weinstein scandal in the US. It has exposed some of Hollywood’s dirty secrets of sexual harassment in the pursuit of perfection.

By this I mean, ambition often gets a bad rap. The trait that pushes someone toward success can sometimes turn into a game where winning isn’t about achieving; it’s about beating the other person. Channel it correctly, however, and ambition can bring great results.
In the media or life in general, there is an expectation for everyone to be flawless. On social media, everyone appears impeccable - but when one investigates deep down the vault of reality, life appears far from what we see on our screens or on the news stand.

So why do so many of us feel the need to drive in this lane towards perfection? Are these expectations doing us more harm than good?
I have never been more busy in my life. I remember 2 years ago feeling completely overwhelmed by having so much on my plate, and feeling as though I was floundering.

I kept on taking on more 'stuff' and it wasn't a case of not being able to say no. I simply wanted to do all the things I was doing and they were important to me. I hired two personal assistants and that worked wonders, except I decided that they were too good to be personal assistants and moved them promptly into other roles.