Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Page 19

With COVID-19 and the rise of e-commerce, people are spending more time on their smartphones than ever before, meaning that optimising your content for mobile just became essential. In fact, recent statistics indicate that 67% of consumers engage in “digital window shopping” on their mobile, of which 77% lead to making purchasing decisions. These statistics combined give insight into changing consumer trends that help illuminate the need for businesses need to make their web content optimised for mobile devices.


With the onset of COVID-19, change came quickly. Business shutdown, we learned to wear masks, lockdowns and curfews became a reality, and social distancing was the new norm. We were forced into our homes and still expected to maintain relationships, work productivity and motivation. And, although we were hopeful there would be an end in sight, the pandemic stretched on into 2021, giving rise to the persistent condition of languishing. Languishing saps your drive, disrupts your capacity to concentrate and increases your chances of cutting back on tasks. So, with the emotional long-haul of the pandemic, many people have been muddling through the day. 


Marketing is constantly changing. It's vital for your company to stay updated with industry advances. Keeping an eye on marketing data is an efficient method to stay relevant and up to date with the newest marketing trends, while keeping your sales pipeline healthy and your brand within the consideration set of your customers. To help you connect with your consumers, reach your target audience, and enhance conversions, we've provided our list of the most topical marketing statistics for 2023, whether you're focused on SEO, content marketing, social media, lead generation, advertising, or marketing technology.

Learn our top 21 stats for 2023.


It is no secret that the rise of social media has taken a toll on traditional marketing as the source of communication to consumers. Marketers, content creators and users are finding it hard to keep up with the continuous flux in trends, updates and algorithms. In order to be seen and heard by your customers, you need to be consistent, informative and engaging.

It goes without saying that the content that is produced should reflect your brand's image and values. Having a consistent and strategised content cadence will drive your brand to success.

The term ‘content cadence’ may be foreign to some; however, it should not be overlooked as it holds a lot of value to social media marketing. So, what is content cadence? In simple terms, cadence is the pattern of how you present your content. A cadence is useful in targeting the who, what, when and where of your content to make sure you’re targeting consumers at the right stage of the buying cycle. This social media growth strategy is so important because it outlines the key way your consumers connect with your organisation while you tell your story, vision and purpose, at the right stage of the customer journey.

To increase your brand awareness, here are 3 tips to optimise your social media content cadence:


You’ve heard blogging is a good way to increase brand awareness of your business and you’ve started one. But you’ve likely run into a slight problem. No one is reading your blogs. This may be extremely disheartening, frustrating and above all discouraging to the progress of your blog however, it’s the same problem many people are struggling with and have struggled with in the past. If you’re struggling to get people to read your blogs here are six of the most common reasons why and what you can do to fix them.


Where do we go after COVID?

What does it mean to live a life 'after' COVID? As the economic climate worldwide has failed to remain constant for more than a few days, businesses have been forced to adapt like never before.

With all the uncertainties around the world, one thing is certain; COVID-19 has dramatically shaped the marketing world we now co-exist with. In a survey conducted by the CMO, 72% of marketing leaders claimed the importance of marketing had increased in the last year.

As challenges within the business world continue to rise, opportunities of equal quantities also surface, each an opportunity for marketers to capitalise upon.


Digital marketing has exponentially become the marketing tactic of choice for businesses of all sizes.

Due to the rise in popularity of social media and e-commerce, traditional marketing tactics have become increasingly less popular. Although there are many advantages to using digital media, employing a mixed marketing strategy, combining digital and traditional marketing tactics, can optimize the reach of your brand message to your customer. To ensure your business's name is cutting through the noise and standing out to your potential customers, we have compiled a list of 6 Non-Digital Marketing Tactics that still work, even in the 21st century.


In the last decade, marketers have had to overcome a wide range of shifts in marketing and advertising strategies and take advantage of technological disruptions. However, the last year has fundamentally demonstrated the adaptability and effectiveness of digital marketing strategies on a whole new level. Given that the COVID-19 global pandemic has drastically transformed how we communicate and interact with each other, businesses are having to learn how to accommodate for the “new normal”. Although there is a long journey ahead in the road to recovery, extended lockdowns & the ongoing pandemic continues to push marketers to pursue steady and reliable strategies to engage and connect with consumers and companies alike. 


Why would anyone buy your product? Why is it better than your competitors? Where can it be bought? What value can it really provide? You might have the answers to these questions, ready and available, but it counts for nothing if you can't project your voice loud enough for customers to hear it.  


With nearly 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook stands as one of the most far-reaching platforms available to your brand. By creating a Facebook page for your business, you create an avenue to accessing this huge market audience, for the mere cost of 1 hour of your time.


The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had an extreme impact on small businesses globally. These changes have required small businesses to adapt fast in an attempt to overcome the negative ramifications that come with a global pandemic.


COVID-19 has redirected people’s lifestyles with changes to the traditional office routine. So how do you stay focused on overcoming new problems while maintaining an efficient work schedule?

Marketing in a time like this requires adaptability and control over your time, performance, and productivity. Identifying the challenges facing your brand is the first step to overcoming the obstacles of marketing in these uncertain times. Here are some challenges you may be facing and ways to overcome them.


Marketing is an overarching area that infiltrates all areas of our lives and provides us with a greater insight into the human psyche and trends prevalent throughout society. Working at an outsourced marketing agency has provided me with an abundance of experience and information about the business world, that will translate throughout the rest of my career.

During my time as a marketing intern for Marketing Eye, I have had the privilege of receiving real-life work experience and utilising all the tools I have received at university in real-life applications. Not only have I learnt a great deal about marketing, but I have learnt even more about myself and my capabilities in taking on new challenges and roles.

Reflecting on my experience, today I’ll be talking about the 5 most important lessons I learned during my first internship, working for an outsourced marketing agency.