Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Blog Author Mellissah Smith - Page 111

Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith is a marketing expert, author, writer, public speaker and technology innovator. Having worked with more than 1000 companies across technology, medical services, professional services, manufacturing, logistics, finance and health industries, Mellissah has a well-established reputation as an experienced marketing professional with more than 30 years experience. As the founder and managing director of Marketing Eye, she has taken the company from startup to a multi-million dollar enterprise with offices in Australia and the US. She is the founder of AI software company, Robotic Marketer, which automates the development and management of marketing strategies. Mellissah is also the Editor in Chief of Marketing Eye Magazine, a quarterly magazine that cover marketing, entrepreneurship, travel, health and wellbeing. She is also the co-editor of Contact Centre Magazine, Minimalistic Magazine (building products and architectural design), and Human Magazine (wellness). #mellissahsmith #marketingeye #roboticmarketer
Sunday, 22 May 2011

What Women Want

What do women want? If you knew exactly what women want, then you would be the richest person on the planet because I don't think I know a woman that knows what she wants and unfortunately, I too am in that boat.
Friday, 20 May 2011

A way to remember Adelaide

Never thought that having an odd sign on a door would make a destination so memorable. Everyone in the ladies restroom at Adelaide Airport when I was there were in fits of laughter about a sign that may imply that visitors drink toilet water. Now, really... has anyone ever had a glass of toilet water in lieu of clean water out of a tap?

P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Did you make your millions?

Did you make your million? Or 2, or 3, or 4? It's May and it's time to work out whether your pockets are full of coins, or if there is a hole where they seem to have slipped through.

End of Financial Year is a reality check for all businesses. Did you do well this year? Could you have done better? Does your team need to be congratulated on their work and achievements? Who are your big spending clients?
You can come up with a reason for doing almost everything... including murder, so coming up with reasons to not succeed is a piece of cake.

Everyday, I talk to small businesses who say they want to grow, but always have a reason why they haven't. "Useless salesman, economy is bad, product is going through changes, website isn't generating leads, too busy running the business"... and the list goes on.
Does anyone else feel stressed, often?

I remember when life was easy, and the most stress I would have was getting a parking fine. That was 20 years ago!

Owning a small business can be the most rewarding job in the world, but as rewarding as it is, if you don't actively manage stress, it can sometimes over take you.

Being 100% on-game, every day is impossible. Whilst I am naturally a spirited individual, I feel overwhelmed by the whole work/life/home balance. Am I alone, or is this a common issue for small business owners. So, how do you manage it?

Eating well?
Having a pet in the workforce?
Being organised?
Life coach?

This blog is interested in sharing with its followers tips on who to destress and manage stress in every day life for a small business owner. Do you have ways to improve stress management? We want to hear all about it!

P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Has anyone ever said to you before "when the time is right, it's right"?

I have heard it a few times and I have to say, it's exactly that. I heard it, but I didn't 100% believe it. Is the time ever right?

In life, whether it's falling in love, buying a house, moving to the country, or going on a holiday - timing is typically everything.

Whereas in business, a lot of different areas need to fall into place for the timing to be right. For instance, if you want to expand, you have to have the right processes in place, finance in order, marketing strategy ready to go and people. For all of these things to be 100% in place is near impossible. Right? Wrong.

Thursday... not feeling well.

Friday... sick.
Saturday... sick.
Sunday... sick.

Now, why is this good for small business? On Thursday, it wasn't. On Friday, it wasn't, well, not until it was well and truly into the evening. Saturday and Sunday, it was.

When you are forced to STOP, it's impossible not to clear everything from your mind and get on with the job at hand, and that is getting well.

Meetings are missed, proposals are not sent, work is not completed. It really is a royal pain in the a***. BUT, this down time can be good for your small business. As a small business marketer, I try to absorb every possible item of advertising, marketing and public relations activity that crosses my path. There are millions of pieces day-in, day-out that I am confronted with. Of course, I don't take in everything, but I do try and absorb as much as possible and relate it back to the Marketing Eye client base.
Sunday, 08 May 2011

I Love America

Having travelled many times to the United States over the years for both business and pleasure, I have to say, that I have fallen in love with it all over again.

My recent travels were meant to be educational, and they were, but they also ensured that I revisited my old stomping grounds, reunited with friends that I hadn't seen in years and had new and exciting experiences that I will never forget.

It does help that the first time I went to the United States the dollar was 57c to every AU$1 dollar. Not ideal. Today, it sits nicely at $1.08 which pleases me no end and has definately aided in bringing back the passion I have for travelling to their great country.
build-it-and-they-will-come-smallIt takes a brave person, to throw something away and replace it with something new. Look at your cupboards at home. When was the last time you threw out your favourite jumper, even though it has holes in it?

Sometimes a website can be a bit like that. You get used to seeing it. It brings you in a number of inquiries. Search engine optimisation looks pretty good compared to most of your competitors. So, what makes you throw it all away?
Friday, 29 April 2011

Build it and they will come


Click here to see presentation.

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