Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: business - Page 3

How many times have you heard someone say "I am not technical"? Or that they don't use technology because they don't know how to? Non-technical entrepreneurs, or at least those who refuse to use technology and data within their businesses are doomed to failure and the past few years of business has given a clear insight into why this is the case.
Published in Entrepreneurship

When I started out in marketing, I worried that I wasn’t extraverted enough, wasn’t fashionable and preferred a good book over a cocktail party.

Since then, marketing has changed and the ‘nerdier’ marketers are fast becoming the rock stars due to results they derive for their clients, and the ‘fashionable’ lot are seen more as events specialists or publicists. Now, that’s a stereotype, of course, but the gist of it is that things have changed over the past three decades and what was once considered to be ‘cool’ is no longer the case.

Published in Mellissah Smith

With competition in the job market rising every day, the value of getting experience in the industry has never been more crucial to a marketer’s career. Learning from textbooks and reciting endless amounts of theory is all well and good, but working in a team and under pressure for real-life clients is a very different deal.

Published in Entrepreneurship
If you’re using any kind of digital platform, you’ve definitely heard of data analytics and why it’s a big deal, but 2021 is already presenting several massive challenges for businesses globally. 

Following increasing regulation around usage of user data and political concerns surrounding the power of big tech, many businesses are struggling to develop, measure and optimise their strategies to develop sophisticated and data rich strategies like they used to.
Published in Marketing
If you've been told that based on Myers Briggs you have this or that type of personality, you may think that you have derived at an answer to why you are the way you are. After all, many entrepreneurs fall under an A-Type personality profile or at least that's what many of us have thought. A little birdy gave me an insight into the brilliance that is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and I am absolutely compelled to share.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Top Tips for B2B Marketing for 2021

As we move into the year of 2021, it’s time to ensure that you have all the insights to allow your business every opportunity to succeed. Marketing can be hard with so many moving parts and it is vital to get it right, so you can move in a positive direction. To help your business, here is a list of the top tips for B2B Marketing for 2021.

Published in Marketing

Marketing is an ever-changing, ever-developing industry, with new channels appearing and new ways to market your brand cropping up all the time. Because of the industry’s rapidly evolving nature, marketing teams and departments need someone who can right the ship, keep everyone on track and execute the business’s marketing strategy. They need a marketing manager.

Published in Culture
There is not a business on the planet that hasn't thought about setting marketing goals for 2021, and at least given thought to how they are going to keep them. Most companies spend November and December bringing together key stakeholders in a business to discuss the next years business, sales and marketing goals. They do this in the form of a series of workshops, and what's really great about this, is even if you have a small business, a mini-workshop is invaluable for brainstorming how your business can do better in the year ahead.
Published in Marketing
Saturday, 02 January 2021

A new year - what a relief

As I woke up on January 1, 2021, at 4.59a.m. I could feel myself breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, it is a new day, in a new year, and everything that came before that moment no longer holds me or anyone else down.

Like many, 2020 was my second least favourite year, just marginally behind the year before where I said goodbye to my dog. 

During the year, I struggled. I wasn’t alone, but at times I actually was, both physically and mentally. Like many entrepreneurs, I was challenged with not only my own life, but the lives of those around me. 

Published in Entrepreneurship
Thursday, 03 December 2020

A Holly Jolie Christmas Adventure

Marketing Eye’s Melbourne office has not been back for long, but that’s not to say it hasn’t been an eventful return to work already…

Published in Mellissah Smith
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