Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: business - Page 5

The day I landed in Aspen at the start of March I realized that something was different. It was eerie. The streets were quieter than they normally are that time of year, and there was this sense of not getting too close to anyone or else something terrible might happen.
Published in Entrepreneurship

Are you having trouble converting your leads? It might be because you don’t have a lead nurturing process in place. Establishing strong lead nurturing tactics is crucial to growing your business. Without these processes, there is nothing to impact or influence the customer’s decision to make a purchase. To truly nurture leads, you need to provide relevant information at multiple points throughout the beginning of their relationship with your business. Below, we have 4 tactics to effectively nurture your leads.

Published in Marketing
In the past 2 months I have spoken to more than 100 entrepreneurs in the technology, professional services, manufacturing and logistics industries. There has been a common thread to many of these calls, mostly that their website needs a revamp and they want to up their digital marketing efforts. It's not rocket science I know, but many companies didn't get on the digital bandwagon fast enough and have left it to the last minute. Better late than never, and there will always be those of whom think they can wait a little longer, which means ultimately, they will be the one's with less clients at the end of the day.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Like every other business owner, a month ago I stopped in my tracks. I looked around, read everything I could and basically tried to fill my head with as much knowledge as possible. I know that I don't know what I'm doing and right now more so than ever. I had so many questions: What is happening to the world and how is it going to effect my business? How do I navigate through this period of uncertainty and change, without falling apart? How are my staff going to take this? What's important? What isn't?

Implementing a live video experience for your brand is an incredible opportunity to bring your audience together. Whether you are filming product demonstrations or a roundtable interview, your audience can use your live broadcast as an opportunity to stay informed on what your business is doing. There are plenty of platforms available to produce your live broadcast, so it’s easier than ever for companies to do this. Below, we have a few pointers for businesses to consider before implementing a live video experience.

Published in Marketing

Every company needs a marketing strategy to plan for the future. A strategy works as a sort of road map for all of your marketing activations throughout time. But what exactly goes into these strategies? For a lot of companies 2020, automation and personalization of content is going to be the next big step in marketing tactics. Trends change every year, and companies need to understand the next big step. We reached out to a few friends to weigh in on what every marketing strategy needs in 2020.

Published in Marketing

If you own a business in 2020, you know all about having to stay relevant to your customer base. Whether you want to continue to be innovative or not, the simple truth is that inaction will do far greater harm than pushing your business out of its comfort zone. The best way to transform your business and change with the times is by implementing a digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is the tool to take your business to the next level and keep up with your audience's expectations.

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 25 February 2020

What SEO Can Do For Your Business

Staying relevant in your industry is harder than ever. Every industry is overly saturated with companies fighting for the attention of their audience. Each company has its own way to provide value, and it can be really difficult to convince your customers that you provide a more valuable product than your competition. For this reason, you need to be able to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack to survive. Search engine optimisation is a great strategy to not only maximise the visits to your website, but it can also keep your efforts relevant and competitive in a saturated market. Below, we have some of the ways that search engine optimization can benefit the marketing performance of your business.  

Published in Marketing

Few things can make a business more powerful than an aligned marketing and sales team. When both departments can rally around the same story, it leads to greater benefits for each department and the company as a whole. But how exactly does this happen? After all, marketing and sales have individual sets of metrics and goals: marketing is measured on generating demand and sales is focused on converting leads. If marketing and sales are going to work together, they need to be able to collaborate on their projects. Alignment is all about collaboration, and if each team is working towards the same goal it will make this process much more successful.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 22 November 2019

Why You Should Understand SEM

There are plenty of marketing acronyms that markers have to keep track of like SEO, SEM, SMO, CRO. It can be difficult to keep everything straight, especially the difference between SEO and SEM. So, what exactly does SEM mean? Search engine marketing (SEM) is a sort of umbrella term that covers search engine optimisation and paid advertisements. SEM is an effective way for businesses to reach new customers, increase revenues and trim acquisition costs.

Published in Marketing
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