Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: business - Page 9

I once had to hire a law firm, and at the time I didn’t have a lot of money to throw around. I was growing a business, and every cent counted.

Published in Marketing
Everyone is busy doing budgets for the next financial year, and setting sales forecasts, while marketers are frantically trying to ensure that marketing strategies are in line with the results that management are looking for. What is most important is the ability for companies to read the market, understand what customer want, and easily communicate why they should choose a particular company over another.

Marketing Eye is fine-tuning our 2018/19 marketing strategy for Australia, ensuring that we don't just focus on Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Townsville, but also other States in Australia with a firm goal of opening offices in Adelaide, Perth, Canberra and New Zealand.
Published in Marketing
2018/19 is going to be a year of change. From narratives to business landscapes - the world of business is being turned upside down, and it is only the companies willing to adapt fast to these changes, that will truly make their mark.
Published in Marketing
When I think about what my life is like as a marketing entrepreneur, I often feel overwhelmed by the endless possibilities and the lack of time to execute all of my great ideas.

I try to fit as much as possible into every single day, and yet I still find that no matter how many resources I allocate to myself, my brain is working in overdrive and my list just keeps on getting bigger and bigger.
Published in Entrepreneurship
When you first start a business, many of us don't have a manual, any formal training and are generally learning as we go. This style of taking a business from startup to fully fledged successful business, comes with many hurdles - some that are too large to overcome.
Published in Entrepreneurship
When life throws you curve balls, sometimes it's best to do nothing. I know that doesn't seem like the most obvious solution, but I have just learned that it can be true, at least for me.

For almost two months I have been unwell every day. It has gotten to a point, that whatever is happening in my body, put me permanently in bed for 5 days straight. No computer. No television. No phone. No people around. Just my dog who has definitely developed cabin fever and is dancing at her own shadow right now, because she needs entertainment.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Something that I live by in business is systems, processes and technology. Together they make a formidable trio.

Running businesses can be incredibly hard, well at least I think so. It takes a tough person to go through all the challenges that you are faced with from a day-to-day basis and just when you think you have nailed it, something else comes up and remind you that you haven't.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Have you been neglecting your health and fitness, maybe because you lack motivation, or simply don’t have enough time in the day?

Fact: Healthier and fitter employees are HAPPIER, they have increased self-confidence, they are more productive and they have more energy! We’ve heard it all before, but seriously, regular physical activity is vital for good physical and mental health, and this is why we encourage all our employees to engage.
Published in Marketing
After being one of hundreds at a Jewish wedding yesterday, I couldn't help but think about life and the meaning of what I am doing now and in the future.

For 44 years, life has been remarkably smooth sailing. I have experienced a lot, none of which I would change, and I have accomplished more than I dreamed of doing. The experiences not only make you stronger, more resilient and grateful, they shape who you are and continue to become.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Monday, 15 January 2018

Change your future by acting now

Don't let anyone tell you how you should live your life. Remember it's YOUR life. I just can't stop thinking about my life, where I am going, and what I want to be doing. 
Published in Mellissah Smith
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