Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: business - Page 8

Blogging is essential for each and every business, especially within this day and age. Most businesses underestimate the importance and added value blogging brings to the table for both your customers and your stakeholders.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Meme Marketing more than just a trend

More so than ever before, we are seeing the rise in meme marketing in the digital sphere. As we scroll through our newsfeeds, we are confronted with a continuum of cat videos and the occasional Donald Trump and Oprah memes, that has become the new normal in our digital world for both consumers and businesses.
Published in Marketing
If you have just stumbled into the marketing world or you’ve been in the game for some time now, you most likely have heard of the phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. When we think about it, everything we do revolves around the ability to connect and engage with people. From social media platforms of Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram to even our social lives.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 16 January 2019

3 of the best Marketing Podcasts

Podcasts are somewhat of a new concept for all of us. A rich ecosystem of the audio land, a new line, and platform of interaction, connection, and information where we as consumers (and marketers) can enhance our knowledge and fill in our spare time. From past encounters and experiences, there is this constant connotation of Podcasts as being ‘boring’ or ‘dull’.

Published in Marketing
Over the past few months, Marketing Eye has hosted hundreds of marketing workshops. There have been many reasons for that, but mostly, companies are keen to start 2019 off strong. To do that, they need to get all of their key people in one room (or on one call) and go through their business objectives, sales goals and marketing activities for the year ahead.
Published in Marketing
Imagine your sales team sitting in your office discussing the reasons why they didn't make the sales projections for the last quarter. They talk about how hard they have worked, and that they think it is either bad time of year, or something has changed in the market. Furthermore, they say to you that they think your marketing is either not effective or worse, non-existent.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 08 November 2018

Does your marketing smell? Find out

By Tegan Addinsall, Melbourne, Marketing Eye Licensee

Business hygiene is just like personal hygiene. If you don’t follow basic personal hygiene routines, chances are you will stink, and the same goes for your marketing efforts.

Published in Marketing
The tide turns from time to time - that's a fact. When a business is going incredibly well, most seasoned entrepreneurs know that some months will follow that are not living up to their expectations.
Published in Marketing
It's a darn shame that women spend so much time bitching about men and equal rights when they really don't do anything about it. I am tired of women complaining how unfair the world is. My question to them (if they live in Australia or the US) is whether that really is the case? I suggest that in most situations it is not.
Published in Entrepreneurship
It's true. I was told by someone who I respect with more than a billion dollars in the bank to forget about developing Robotic Marketer, the world's first robotic and AI based technology that develops marketing strategies in minutes, not months. I thought about it for a nanosecond. I had this moment of being scared and defeated. Then I said to myself "stuff that!". I truly believe that I can do anything I set my mind to - and I'm right. 
Published in Entrepreneurship
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