Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: social media - Page 9

With all of the social media platforms available to everyone in 2020, it can be hard for businesses (especially in the B2B sector) to find a way to break through the mold. Because there’s an oversaturation of businesses vying for the attention of their customers and new lead, B2B marketers have to know exactly where to invest their time and energy. B2B marketing involves three social platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But are all of these platforms a great fit for your B2B marketing efforts? For B2B marketers, LinkedIn is by far the most trusted channel. Below, we have a few reasons why you should trust LinkedIn as your social media platform in 2020. 

Published in Marketing

Now that we’re in 2020, it’s time to start thinking about the next generation of consumers: Generation Z. Born between 1994 and 2014, Generation Z will soon be flooding the market and the workplace. As the first generation to have immediate access to technology for most of their lives, marketers have to completely rethink their approach. If we want to tap into this new audience, we need to understand what they care about, how they consume information, and how to close the deal.

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 17 December 2019

The Best Practices for LinkedIn Live

If you’re looking to stay competitive in your industry, your company must have an active profile on LinkedIn, fully equipped to post, comment, and commit to a live stream. LinkedIn has recently joined the broadcasting game, which means that it’s currently the best social media platform for organic growth. If you have the opportunity, LinkedIn Live is an excellent way to generate leads and interest in your company. It’s also a great tool to help position leaders within your organization to be thought leaders within their industry, which adds a significant level of credibility to your brand. 

Published in Marketing
Marketing is constantly changing, but it’s changed more in the last 10 years than ever before. As the number of online users steadily increases, our digital footprint needs to increase to meet the demand for an online presence. To keep up, we need to have an acute understanding of what digital marketing is, how it works, and what we need to implement to ahead of the curve. Below, we have compiled some of the bigger pieces of digital marketing that you should consider for your business.
Published in Marketing

Content is created for the sole purpose of educating and engaging your audience. You don’t write blogs, develop a product video or even update your company’s Facebook page for yourself. These things are done to drive your brand, to get the attention of people who have a problem that you can solve. But what if you’re having trouble generating engagement with your content? There is always the possibility that you might have to rework your content, but it could just be that no one sees it. Social media builds relationships with your customers and puts your information right in front of them. Below, we have several ways to use social media to increase audience engagement with your brand.

Published in Marketing
From the moment your fingers touch your keyboard, to the endless, tiring hours that your pour your heart and soul into strategising and pondering what your next marketing move is going to be, writing a marketing strategy is an arduous task, but a necessary one.
Published in Marketing
Do you remember when you first joined LinkedIn? If it was near the start, there were a bunch of people who invited you to be on the platform. The person who invited me was influential and someone I respected, so I started to fill in the form. I didn't write too much and didn't think too much about it afterwards. Afterall, I wasn't their target market - or was I?
Published in Marketing
Monday, 15 April 2019

Is brand loyalty dead?

For as long as there have been businesses, there have been loyal customers. Nowadays, with heightened competition and many more channels of connection, it has become increasingly harder for brands to maintain a strong relationship to a large proportion of their customers.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Build your brand on Instagram

Creating a brand on Instagram is easy these days, but building a memorable one - now that’s the real challenge! When it comes to Instagram 68% of users regularly engage with brands. There is no doubt that effectively using Instagram can well in truly transform a small business or startup to become an ‘Instafamous’ one.

Published in Marketing

Marketing Executive | Client Accounts

Marketing Eye is an international marketing consulting firm that offers businesses an outsourced marketing department or a team of people who complement an existing business unit. We work for companies that are small, mid-market and sometimes large global corporations. 

Published in Culture
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