Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: social media - Page 5

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Is Facebook a Dying Marketing Channel?

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat are initially created for sharing memories and connecting families and friends. It has now transformed into a source of entertainment, news, and commercial opportunities. Towards the end of 2021, there were 4.55 billion people who are active on social media. Facebook is the most prominent social networking site, but is that still true in 2022? Facebook interaction on organic content has been on an all-time low, at approximately 2%. Some users have abandoned Facebook and moved to other platforms. Do you think Facebook is a dying Marketing Channel? 

Published in Marketing
Friday, 04 February 2022

My Experience at Marketing Eye

After just completing my first year of university studying media and communications, I didn’t know the first thing about what the world of marketing involved. Having only ever taken two advertising classes, I knew almost nothing about what a marketing firm did let alone how they operated in the industry. That was until I found myself scrolling through, trying to find a way to fill in my time over the next three months. At a time when every second person was trying to find a job or internship, restless after the abundance of lockdowns we endured in 2021, every opportunity I was either turned down or was one in 500 applicants. Marketing Eye was no different, an application I thought I would never hear back from. Or so that’s what I thought. 12 weeks later I am left to reflect on my time working as a Marketing Eye Intern learning from and working alongside a team of dedicated, passionate, and hardworking marketing executives.

Published in Culture

While B2B and B2C take different approaches to achieve their business goals, one thing they have in common is that whether it's businesses or end customers, they are both communicating with people. People socialize, and online social media platforms allow them to get connected without time and geography constraints. As is known to all, 2 years of the pandemic has entirely changed the world, more specifically, the way we live, and how things function have gone more digital. Statistics show, by 2025 the number of American online shoppers is expected to reach 291.2 million, which translates into about 88% of the U.S. population. 

B2B social media marketing in this case sees no exception. B2B's buying journey doesn’t end after visiting the website and checking the price. Moreover, 84% of B2B executives claim that they use social media to make their purchase decisions while 72% of B2B buyers research products on social media. In 2022, the demand for B2B companies to craft their social media marketing is growing higher than ever. Putting your brands out there and propelling the transitions can promise your businesses a more recognized and engaged future. 

Published in Marketing

What’s the Meta-verse?

In-case you haven’t been paying attention to the latest upcoming changes of the internet – let me explain. Facebook is changing its company name to “Meta”. This rebranding aims to reflect the company’s new concept of a “metaverse” which Mark Zuckerberg promises will be a world as “detailed and convincing as this one [Earth]”. Whether Zuckerberg is successful in pulling off what might be the most ambitious and “next biggest chapter” of the internet is for another blog... but what this uprooting of the Facebook we all know and love - can mean for your marketing team needs to be foreseen and accounted for.

Published in Marketing

As digital technology continues to transform the ways in which industries work globally, we must keep up with the emerging trends. Professional Services are no exception to this. As an industry that has traditionally flourished off old fashioned marketing techniques such as: Relationship Marketing, Traditional Marketing Channels and Telemarketing, these firms have been forced to modify their marketing schemes to fit the more effective and modern marketing techniques. In the ever expanding digital world, having an effective digital strategy will not only establish your firm in the competitive online landscape, but also allows you to build a strong impression and relationship with prospective customers and clients. 

Published in Marketing

As I come to the end of my internship with Marketing Eye at their Melbourne office, I’ve finally been able to take the time and reflect on the skills that I have obtained and the knowledge I have gathered along the way. As a university student in their penultimate year, I was faced with the decision of what career I wanted to do once I graduated.

Marketing has always been a passion and interest of mine and I was so excited when I saw an internship opportunity available at Marketing Eye. The application process was very straightforward and I was invited to join the team for a few months after a phone interview with one of the marketing specialists. I will never be happier with my decision to intern at Marketing Eye as the experience I’ve obtained will enable me to approach future jobs with not only more confidence but more ability as well.

Published in Culture

LinkedIn has become a powerful tool that plays a critical role in connecting professionals and organisations across the world to make them more productive and successful. For financial services firms, the platform offers an opportunity to optimise their firm, grow their network and generate leads amongst new audiences. And yet, many financial services firms struggle to leverage their talent, their platform and their network to increase brand awareness and generate qualified leads. So how should financial services firms use LinkedIn?

Here are the four key ways that financial services firms should be using LinkedIn to their greatest benefit.

Published in Marketing

There are no two ways about it. Email marketing is one of the most popular, cost-effective and highest performing marketing channels currently available. A recent eMarketer study shows that the average ROI of email marketing is 122%. The ROI of email marketing is approximately four times higher than its next closest competitor. Every study shows us that email marketing is performing well and looks to remain the case for years to come.

Published in Marketing
Thursday, 07 October 2021

What Does A Marketing Consultant Do?

While a marketing consultant is not essential to the success of your business, employing one with industry experience will certainly help to streamline a company's marketing efforts. Employed as an external advisor, a marketing consultant will bring their expertise to your business to plan and execute proven marketing strategies. A consultant understands the customer's unique needs, analyses market insights, processes and issues. All this garnered information is combined with their knowledge to suggest and apply solutions that will improve your company's marketing efforts. 

Published in Marketing

My Experience as an Intern at Marketing Eye

Becoming an intern was not something I was really planning on this year. A class at university assigned us the task of creating a fake application for a role. An internship at Marketing Eye appealed to me, so before submitting the hypothetical assignment I was sure to put in my resume for real: and how incredibly grateful I am for doing so!
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