Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: robotic marketer - Page 3

Like every other business owner, a month ago I stopped in my tracks. I looked around, read everything I could and basically tried to fill my head with as much knowledge as possible. I know that I don't know what I'm doing and right now more so than ever. I had so many questions: What is happening to the world and how is it going to effect my business? How do I navigate through this period of uncertainty and change, without falling apart? How are my staff going to take this? What's important? What isn't?
Marketing teams are only as good as the freedom they have to be successful, and their individual desire to kick goals, and do campaigns that excited their customers and prospects/
Published in Marketing

Crafting and executing an effective marketing strategy is the most important job for any marketer, and failure to do so is the greatest threat for building business momentum. The key to creating an effective strategy lies in fulfilling your company’s needs, and how you can appropriately market your products and services to your customers. The characteristics outlined below either individually or collectively of a marketing strategy can help companies achieve positive outcomes.

Published in Marketing
With the end of another quarter imminent, our business is re-thinking the way in which we do business. There are operational changes, a new management team and a number of strategic overhauls that will help our business navigate a new era.
Published in Marketing
When building a business or taking the one you have to the next level, it is important to consider how you want to grow your nest egg. What happens when one marketing campaign turns into a rush for your product and service and is this the way you want to grow? Or do you want to maintain a regular increase in sales month-on-month at a sustainable level so you can keep customer experience at an optimum level and ensure that your team of people are growing with you?
Published in Marketing
I first became an entrepreneur 20 years ago, and at first, it was sink or swim. I swam only because I didn't know what else to do. I never gave up when things didn't go my way, because I didn't realize that there was a choice; I could have got another job, or stayed fighting to ensure that the business was a success.
Published in Entrepreneurship

Marketing Executive | Client Accounts

Marketing Eye is an international marketing consulting firm that offers businesses an outsourced marketing department or a team of people who complement an existing business unit. We work for companies that are small, mid-market and sometimes large global corporations. 

Published in Culture
Each year I receive hundreds of invitations to attend conferences and events as a speaker, media or influencer. 95 percent I decline. 
Published in Marketing
When I first decided to build a AI-based marketing technology platform, I was completely and utterly sure that this was going to be the ride of my life. And it is. Without doubt, it is the best business adventure I have ever had, but it comes with a lot of work, a wild imagination and some technical jargon.
Published in Marketing
It's mid-way through February and many companies are looking for the secret sauce that this going to make this quarter and the next their biggest yet. You can drill it into your sales people and lure them with a carrot. Cutting costs is always a good way to increase your profits and of course there is marketing. Most marketing departments know what they need to do, but they don't always get around to doing it in the timeframe needed to reach the goals of a company.
Published in Marketing
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