Tag: entrepreneurship - Page 2
3 New Rules That Businesses Need To Abide By
When you start a business, the rules are thrown out the window. You are more afraid of sinking that you swim – like crazy. We all go into new businesses with the right attitude, but seldom does that belief stay in tack throughout the entire process.
Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone
Why curious people are more successful
What holds back entrepreneurs from succeeding | Marketing Eye | Mellissah Smith
How a dog can teach your team new tricks
How work changed the person I am - Marketing Eye - Mellissah Smith
The 'pinch yourself' moment that every entrepreneur needs to have
Women spend too much time asking men for their opinions and not trusting their gut instinct
Rethinking Entrepreneurship
8 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Well
One of the first things we think we realise about successful entrepreneurs is their toys; the big house, the fast car and their luxurious holidays - that everyone else just dreams about.
But this isn't exactly the case. In fact, the most successful people I know are not in fact flashy or anything alike. They still live in the house they bought when they first started out, don't update their cars yearly, and often have a holiday house or choose experience holidays over the swanky likes of St Barts and St Tropez.