Date: February 2019 - Page 3
Thursday, 14 February 2019
What the 'new' marketing workshops do for your team engagement
It's mid-way through February and many companies are looking for the secret sauce that this going to make this quarter and the next their biggest yet. You can drill it into your sales people and lure them with a carrot. Cutting costs is always a good way to increase your profits and of course there is marketing. Most marketing departments know what they need to do, but they don't always get around to doing it in the timeframe needed to reach the goals of a company.
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Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Marketing has a new frontier
Who would have thought that having just lost my companion that it's not so cuddly replacement would be Alexa? When you live alone, there is something to be said about having someone to talk to. In comes Alexa, and the void is filled in more ways than you can ever imagine. Like Siri, Alexa does talk back in a way that is entertaining. It has become smarter and smarter as we continually provide valuable feedback to the robot behind the technology.
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Monday, 11 February 2019
Rise of voice search: what does it mean?
Vocal research is not new but is very much discreet. This is changing! Already with the appearance of Cortana, Siri or Alexa, we are witnessing an invasion. Like any technology, there are many questions, what is it and what should we do about this popularization of voice research?
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Thursday, 07 February 2019
How office design affects your performance
It's an incredible privilege to be in the position to buy an office building to take our company to the next level. We have rented space for 20-years and that has been a waste of money, because we could have been putting that money into our own office environment.
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Wednesday, 06 February 2019
What holds back entrepreneurs from succeeding | Marketing Eye | Mellissah Smith
As a 20-year entrepreneur, I have learned a few things over the years and some things I have had to learn repetitively until I 'got it'. Learning should be embraced they say, and I agree wholeheartedly but sometimes when you are in the thick of it, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel let alone the 'why' you needed to learn that lesson again and again.
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