Tag: millennials
Strategising marketing approaches designed for Gen Z and Millennial audiences
Marketing strategies tailored for Gen Z and Millennials require distinct approaches due to the different characteristics, values, and media consumption habits of these two generations. Both groups are technologically savvy, but their preferences and behaviors can greatly influence the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, especially in lifestyle products like sunglasses. Here's a comparison of strategies that could be effective for each group:
How to Prepare Your Workplace for Gen Z
Just like any other generation, Gen Z have their own preferences, outlooks, and conditions that make them unique. In light of a pandemic, Gen Z has become a bust generation preparing to survive – in stark contrast to many millennials' starting expectation that they would be able to easily thrive.
Gen Z and the Workplace Post Pandemic
With most millennials now well into adulthood and transitioning into leadership roles, we are seeing a younger generation is now taking over, Gen Z. While this generation still dominate the market, we will soon see an influx of Gen Z workers entering the workforce. Covid-19 has considerably shifted opportunities for many young people. Gen Y was able to graduate from University and enter the workforce with ease while Gen Z face considerable hurdles while getting a foot in the door to their dream jobs.
Why many people choose not to be an entrepreneur
It’s so much easier sitting on the sideline and yelling out instructions or throwing out accolades or abuse when someone gets it right or wrong, but to be the main player, it has some significant hurdles.
Marketing and the Millennial
As I look around the Sydney, Marketing Eye office something really stands out. I’m one of the oldest ones here, not only am I one of the oldest members of the team, I’m in a sea of Millennials. What’s a Millennial you ask? Well it’s a term coined to represent anyone in their early twenties born in the year 2000-2010 and yes, the office is full of them.