Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: Marketing Manager

In the early days of my career, colleagues used to ask me to make coffee for them. “Be a darling and get me a coffee”. I loved getting coffee for the ‘big boss’ but when it came to my colleagues, I hated it with a passion. So much so, I used to do things that were quite disgusting like ‘not wash the cup’ or ‘salt instead of sugar’. I was 18.

Published in Blog

Marketing is a multi-faceted field that requires a diverse range of skills and expertise. While effective marketing is essential to establish and maintain brand recognition, drive customer engagement, and ultimately increase revenue growth, this is only possible with a strong marketing team. A strong marketing team gives a business the resources and expertise necessary to develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies. It can also facilitate and boost brand recognition, customer engagement, and revenue growth.

Published in Management

In Australia, 88% of companies are considered small businesses. If you don’t operate your business on digital portals, you are not existing in markets. Marketing your business in the digital world undoubtedly helps raise your brand awareness and attract customers. Recruiting sophisticated marketing experts is critical for companies to grow. 

Published in Marketing
In Australia, 88% of companies are considered as small businesses. If your business doesn't have a digital presence, then you are not exciting the market as nowadays much of our world is online. Marketing your business in the digital world is undoubtedly helping to raise brand awareness and attracting more customers to buy your products. Recruiting marketing experts is critical for companies to grow financially and in terms of their digital presence and visibility. 
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 02 February 2022

How to fast track your marketing career

When you start out in marketing, you always think the career path will be easy, fun and a bit on the glamorous side. Then when you start, you realize that it isn't easy, fun is for Friday's and there is no glamour in organizing an event even if it is for your favorite fashion brand.

Many don't start in the mail room or doing photocopying anymore, but at an entry level there is plenty of mundane tasks that can often bury our enthusiasm for the career that you are by this point indebted to through your university degree.

Published in Marketing
The marketing industry has irrevocably changed to a point that no-one can predict how far technology will go in replacing marketing professionals in part, in completely over the next 10 years. The 'fear of God' has led to many marketers choosing other paths as the reliability of the marketing profession is no longer a safe bet.
Published in Marketing

While ‘post COVID’ is a little premature, the current sentiment in the market really lends itself to thinking about what a career in marketing looks like today.

In the past, there was almost a sure ride from marketing intern to marketing graduate, then depending on which direction you decided to head, a slow ride through from Marketing Executive to Marketing Manager. For the lucky few (those who worked the hardest), Chief Marketing Officer or as we like to call it, CMO.

Published in Marketing

Marketing is an ever-changing, ever-developing industry, with new channels appearing and new ways to market your brand cropping up all the time. Because of the industry’s rapidly evolving nature, marketing teams and departments need someone who can right the ship, keep everyone on track and execute the business’s marketing strategy. They need a marketing manager.

Published in Culture

So, you have graduated. Congratulations! Now, you have to find a job – or do you?

Published in Culture
It's been an incredibly hard six months, I'm not going to lie.  At first, I was in denial, then it hit me hard. Then I bounced back only to be hit even harder. 

But I am not alone. 
Published in Marketing
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