Tag: Marketing Internship
My Internship Experience at Marketing Eye
As a business student with a growing love for marketing, I knew that internships played a crucial role in developing practical skills and gaining industry experience. Being able to apply my knowledge in a real-life setting was also very important to me as it gave me insightful knowledge on what to potentially expect at future roles. Therefore, when I got the opportunity to become an intern at Marketing Eye, although I was quite nervous, I was also very excited to dive into the world of marketing.
Marketing Internship Experience
As an intern at Marketing Eye, I was excited to gain real-life experience in the fast-paced world of digital marketing. Throughout my internship, I was given the opportunity to work on a variety of tasks, and it was an experience that not only gave me insight into the industry but also prepared me for the working world. My tasks mainly consisted of writing and scheduling blogs, scheduling social media posts, creating social media calendars, developing marketing strategies, and coordinating an editorial release.
My Experience as a Marketing Intern at Marketing Eye
I started my internship at Marketing Eye a year after I graduated from RMIT University, and yes, I graduated during the lockdown.
When I applied for Marketing Eye, I applied with no expectations on whether I will be accepted for the role or not. When I received the call back from Vedika and got accepted, I was thrilled to start experiencing what it’ll be like working in a field I’m passionate about.
I remember the first day so vividly.
I remember feeling really happy on the way here, thinking,
“Wow, Nate, you’re here now. Marketing Eye allows you to show the world what you’re made of. Let’s get it.”
My Experience as an Intern at Marketing Eye
My story about how I began interning at Marketing Eye is probably not very different from most. I arrived in Melbourne in February this year as an international student to complete the second half of my Master of Publishing and Communication degree. From the course name itself, you can probably guess that marketing was not one of the core subjects involved. My course and subjects revolved mostly around the publishing industry and communication via digital media.
What it means to be a marketing intern at Marketing Eye
When Marketing Eye first started its internship program, it was simply a case of so many people requesting internships and the need for young marketers to learn about their chosen field within a professional setting.
My Experience As A Marketing Intern At Marketing Eye
“Marketing’s job is never done. It is about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.”
It’s common knowledge that internships are an essential rite of passage for any professional looking to go somewhere in their career. Most students understand the value of getting into a good internship program and its benefit towards understanding where your interests lie and securing your dream role.
My Experience Interning at Marketing Eye
After two months of interning at the Melbourne office of Marketing Eye I feel like time has gone too quickly.
Internships seem like this tiresome task that university students need to do to boost their CVs, but I can honestly say I’m going to miss everyone there and am sad to leave. I really didn’t know what to expect when I started. I didn’t know what work I would be assigned or what the people would be like, but I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.