Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: marketers

The beginning of a new financial year is an excellent opportunity for marketers to refresh their strategies, refocus on goals and implement new tactics that can bolster their organisations' growth. Whether you're a seasoned marketing professional or just starting, these tips will help guide your marketing efforts for the year to come.

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When we speak of marketing, achieving a state of "flow" can be the difference between a campaign that resonates and one that fizzles out. But what is this elusive "marketing flow," and how can you harness its power? Let’s dive into the rhythm that propels successful marketing campaigns.

Published in Marketing

As the new year approaches, the field of marketing is ripe with aspirations, goals and a collective desire to make a profound impact. Whether you're a seasoned marketer aiming to enhance your strategies or someone newly stepping into this exciting world of marketing, this year offers a fresh canvas to create, innovate and truly make a difference. Let's explore how you can chart a course to success, measure your milestones and grow exponentially in your marketing career.

Published in Marketing

Many marketers are still pondering: What exactly is Grok? Is it a lasting phenomenon, or merely an invention destined to pass by without leaving a significant impact? To simplify it for you, Grok has emerged not just as a solution but a revolution. It's not about features; it's about reshaping how marketers think, strategise and succeed. Let's look at some of Grok's exceptionals features and the seismic shift it brings to marketing strategies.

Published in Marketing

TikTok's popularity has experienced a noteworthy surge, especially among younger users, currently counting over 1.92 billion users globally. It's a pretty safe bet that this figure is likely to double in the years to come. TikTok has positioned itself as a platform for engaging content, delivering considerable value for businesses and marketing endeavours, extending beyond personal use. In this guide, we'll steer you in the direction of harnessing TikTok for your business needs and assist you in achieving your marketing goals.

Published in Marketing

The competence of marketers plays a pivotal role in determining the success and return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts. As the marketing landscape evolves and becomes increasingly complex, understanding the competency levels of marketers becomes crucial for businesses aiming to maximize their ROI.

Published in Marketing

The content marketing funnel is a proven model marketer can use to attract, engage and convert potential customers. It is a visual representation of the customer journey from the initial brand or product awareness to the final act of making a purchase. 

Published in Marketing
Over the past 6 months or so it has become abundantly clear that the way we do business has to change, and alongside that, how we connect with customers and prospects. There is a new marketing norm that has thrown everything we have been taught previously out the window, and many businesses and marketers are scrambling to get a grasp of what to do next.

Next looks something like this.
Published in Marketing
You are either at the half way mark or you have just closed off a financial year - either way, there are some things every entrepreneur should have done in July that really is a game-changer for the rest of the calendar year.
Published in Marketing
Each year I receive hundreds of invitations to attend conferences and events as a speaker, media or influencer. 95 percent I decline. 
Published in Marketing
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