Tag: love - Page 2
Each and every time I fall in love again : Mellissah Smith
I have been here many times and each and every time, I fall in love all over again.
New York has been kind to me. The weather, reasonably mild for this time of year, has been lovely and easy to accommodate with a few layers of clothing. The restaurants, both new and old, have been outstanding and the people have made me smile. What more can a girl ask at this time of year?
Sometimes you have to do it for "love"
Last week, I received a tender document for some marketing services for the Charters Towers City Council. It's not normally something we would put in a tender for, simply because the scope of works is too tight and minimal, but I can't help myself.
It was placed on my desk by our Victorian State Manager, who thought that normally we wouldn't do it but maybe I may be interested in it because I come from Charters Towers. The sentimental value of doing something for a town that you love and have had the opportunity to grow up in, is just too much to refuse.
When love drives you crazy
We've all been in love at some stage in our lives and as St Valentine's Day approaches, it gives those with a romantic bone in their body, something to think about.
Over the years, I have been with some of the most romantic men imaginable. St Valentine's Day has been filled with surprises, flowers, love notes, jewellery, surprise holidays, art and above all - love.
In the past couple of years, it's been no secret that perhaps the one thing I want most in life, is a little harder to get than the rest of my bucket list. In fact, it seems to be the only thing that really eludes me.
Loving Someone or Something Has It's Rewards - Atlanta
It's what girls do. There is no holds bar on any topic when you are sitting in a restaurant or in this case, an authentic Japanese hole in the wall in Atlanta with delicious food.
With so much happening in both of our lives, we had lots to talk about and 5 hours later, after saying goodbye, I still don't think we were done.
She is a stunning woman, inside and out. A former model and television presenter, she is married to a charismatic, interesting and equally good looking husband. They are very in love and are embarking on the next stage in their lives.
Throughout the day, she constantly referred to her husband and whenever making a purchase or doing pretty much anything - her husband and his likes and dislikes were never far from her mind. It kept a smile on her face all day and after 8 years together, I have to say, that's fantastic.
Most of us have been in love at one stage in our lives and the feeling of putting someone else first is quite special. I love it when you think about that person, your children or animal as it may be, and instantly a smile is firmly planted on your face. It's instant gratification and always puts your whole body at ease immediately. I love this feeling and completely understand why so many of us look to find someone in our lives (or something) to love.
In business, if you love what you do and love your brand... the same goes. When you think about what your brand does for others and it puts a smile on your face - it's a remarkable feeling. Putting your business first and its health and wellbeing is all part of the parcel of being in LOVE with your business.
When you talk about your business, just like when you talk about a person that you love - if a smile immediately overcomes your state, then it must be love. Try it. See if it works!
I Love America
My recent travels were meant to be educational, and they were, but they also ensured that I revisited my old stomping grounds, reunited with friends that I hadn't seen in years and had new and exciting experiences that I will never forget.
It does help that the first time I went to the United States the dollar was 57c to every AU$1 dollar. Not ideal. Today, it sits nicely at $1.08 which pleases me no end and has definately aided in bringing back the passion I have for travelling to their great country.