Date: May 2022
4 advantages of an email marketing platform
Email marketing may be an old form of digital communication, but do you know that it consistently helps businesses deliver better ROI than many other marketing channels? Email marketing is the process of targeting your existing and prospective customers through email. It is a form of digital marketing as well as direct marketing which uses email to reach out to your business’s customer list and make them aware of new products, special offers, discounts, and other services your business offers.
Key trends seen in influencer marketing in 2022
Social media marketing and its exponential growth is not new knowledge in the marketing industry. It is also no secret that influencer marketing is an effective way to increase brand awareness. The use of influencers across various platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, and more are growing. Marketers have been tapping into their potential to drive eCommerce sales and brand awareness. While earlier the main users of influencers were primarily B2C’s, the environment is changing with B2B’s beginning to realise the ability to drive new focus and engagement with this form of marketing power.
5 strategies for accounting firms to boost their SEO
The days of using simple techniques to climb to the top of Google's search results are long gone. Google strives to improve its search algorithm to provide visitors with the best possible search experience. This refers to search results that direct visitors to websites that have the most relevant and high-quality content and that can be done through the implementation of SEO.
Are You Using the Right Content Creation For Your Brand Based On The Marketing Funnel?
Funnel marketing is a marketing strategy to see, identify, and evaluate the number of audiences captured in the travel process, from not knowing the brand of a business, to deciding to buy its products. This strategy is very important to understand, especially for people who run a business.
How Construction Companies Improve Sales Performance
The construction industry is growing and evolving each year making it an extremely cutthroat and competitive market. However, there are many companies which are seeing increased sales and better customer relationships during this time. These are the companies who avoid making the mistake of cutting costs. Instead, they spend money to improve customer relationships, establish a niche market and implement quality materials and equipment into their projects. In turn, these companies still end up making a significant profit as customers can see their efforts, therefore creating trust that the construction company will provide the customer with quality service.
How brands can use the metaverse before it’s too late
Similarly, to how social media revolutionised the online marketing landscape, the metaverse is about to do the same. It is imperative that marketing and communications brands pay close attention to the metaverse as it is indeed the next frontier for online interaction. Think about it like this, if brands had not made the shift to online marketing when social media became apparent, they would have been left behind and disregarded. Consumers would have forgotten about them and focussed on the brands that were engaging with them on social media platforms that they use every day. Ultimately, the metaverse is about to do the same and restructure online marketing forever, therefore if brands do not adapt to this, they will become irrelevant.
How Do I Read My Google Analytics Data
If you’re trying to grow your business and improve your online performance analytics are crucial. They provide the reports about how your website is doing, how many people are accessing your website, for how long, from which country and so much more. But no matter how many analytic reports are provided to you, there is no point if you don’t know how to decode, read, and understand them. We at marketing eye have put together the information you need, so that you can read your data, make sense of it, and turn them into insights that you can use to improve the performance of your company.
Why marketing internships are important to complete
You’re in your final year of your marketing degree, or you’ve just graduated and are looking for jobs… only problem is that everywhere you apply for is asking for work experience, but how are you meant to have experience if no is willing to hire you in the first place?
5 reasons why every business needs a marketing strategy
A marketing strategy is a short-term and long-term plan to achieve company goals by determining the wants and needs of customers, therefore creates a sustainable competitive advantage for the company to increase sales. Depending on the industry and market, marketing plans should be updated monthly or fortnightly. By this way, you can be sure that your plan will survive at the next stages of the market. However, not every entrepreneur chooses a marketing strategy, because they don’t understand why they need it.