Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Date: March 2022 - Page 6

It’s been a tough two years working from home and creating marketing strategies that would absolutely kill it amidst a global pandemic. But now as the situation eases (we’re hoping), us marketers are setting benchmarks for the new year, including goals that make sure our email marketing strategies offer our audiences just what they need, while creating the right ROI for our clients.

Published in Marketing

When Marketing Eye first started its internship program, it was simply a case of so many people requesting internships and the need for young marketers to learn about their chosen field within a professional setting.

Published in Marketing
In Australia, 88% of companies are considered as small businesses. If your business doesn't have a digital presence, then you are not exciting the market as nowadays much of our world is online. Marketing your business in the digital world is undoubtedly helping to raise brand awareness and attracting more customers to buy your products. Recruiting marketing experts is critical for companies to grow financially and in terms of their digital presence and visibility. 
Published in Marketing

You may be involved in creating marketing strategies, marketing services, marketing consulting, but you suck. Maybe you don’t suck but you're scared of sucking, you fear underperforming as a small or large business marketer and that's perfectly fine.

Heights, darkness, bugs, SOCIALISING are amongst the most common fears or phobias people have but you know what is missing from that list of common fears? The fear of FAILING! Why aren’t there more marketing agencies, more millionaire marketers, why aren’t you a good marketer? Because you and many people, fear making mistakes, you fear making a lackluster marketing strategy, you fear miscommunicating yourself during your marketing consultations/marketing workshops, you fear failing.

Published in Marketing
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