Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Date: November 2011

Thursday, 01 December 2011

Social Media Trends for 2012

President Barack Obama's job approval rating is now below former President Jimmy Carter at the equivalent point at the White House. The European Economic Crisis is unfolding as the 'lingua franca' of financial obscurity with their problems a lot like that of the US, but only worse. The Wall Street Journal reports that Mark Zuckerberg and crew could see an IPO value of around $100 billion and us mere mortals are quite frankly, just trying to get on with finishing the year off on a half decent note.

If you are not sure how the above relates to 2012 social media trends, then perhaps you should spend a few minutes searching google and type some of these topics in to see what sort of result you get. Maybe, log into your twitter account and see what people are saying (& trending) about President Barack Obama, the European Economic Crisis or Facebook's IPO.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Sad news

On Friday, I woke up in Vail, Colorado, to find an email notifying me that hours earlier a good friend of mine had passed away.

His name was Dr Michael Hirshorn. He was one of the founders of Cochlear, an original team member of Resmed and on the Board of Directors for Dynamic Hearing and a whole heap of other companies.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Constantly learning in life is a must. If we don't, we all know what happens.

We fall behind, become less interesting and life doesn't come as easy as it should.
Published in Management
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Denver Airport Billboard

Published in Marketing
America is such an awesome place for so many reasons. People are passionate no matter where you go whether it is down to the local Walmart store, on the slopes of Vail or in the Streets of New York. Often people the world over put Americans in an unfair box; loud, abnoxious, overly-opinionated, political and entrepreneurial. Other than the latter, I tend to disagree. It doesn't help that there are so many thousands of websites out there trying to "brand" Americans as such.
Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

What is a brand for life?

Life is a long time and staying loyal to certain brands whether it's Heinz Baked Beans, Chanel No. 5 perfume, Nike, Tiffanys, Toyota, Ray Ban or Mokador Coffee - the endurance of brand loyalty can be a long, arduous path.
Published in Marketing
Marketing Consultants or Marketing Managers are being kept on their feet these days with changes in technology, the economy, corporate responsiblity and the new green ethos that surrounds most businesses large and small.

When looking at a company, whether it is large or small, it is imperative that marketing consultants (or marketing managers) are across all areas of marketing. It's no longer about the 4P's as most Gen-X marketers who now hold the senior positions in marketing have trained on, and more about social media, customer interaction, mobile marketing, podcasts, blogs, online marketing, guerilla marketing, slideshare and of course word of mouth marketing.
Friday, 11 November 2011

Word of Mouth Marketing - Powerful

Yesterday, James Moran, the founder of James Moran Furniture, called to say hello. I haven't seen James for a little while as we have both been busy.

As the son of one of the most famous furniture family dynasty's in Australia (Moran Furniture), James Moran has one of the most stylish and professional showroom's in Australia and is currently selling into some of the largest retail chains select lines. Many of Toorak's great homes feature a James Moran Furniture couch and if you go down to the cinema's, chances are that in Gold Class you may be sitting in one of his designer chairs. Office fitouts for the uber trendy and professional are taken to a new level with a piece from James Moran Furniture and anyone who knows anything about furniture, can spot a James Moran Furniture piece a mile away.
Who else finds it hard to fathom that only 15 years ago, real estate agents actually believed in customer service.

How times have changed! Speaking to a real estate agent at Lemon Baxter today, I was appaulled at how little they care about customer service and their "I don't give a F***" attitudes.
Published in Management
He is one of the best cricketers in the world and let's face it, the most interesting. Whether you are a man who wants to be like him, or a woman who wouldn't mind trading places with Elizabeth Hurley for a night - there is a lot to admire.

Not unlike the lifecycle of a business, Shane Warne has had many ups and downs, some public and I am sure, a lot more private. He has had his haters, his supporters, his loyal fans and those who simply admire him for his achievements.
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