- In The News
Published: 06 January 2015
Happy 2015! Here's to a making it the most #likeable year yet. Want to know what I love most about Twitter? The people. Reading tweets from my favorite thought leaders gives me such inspiration. That's why I'm thrilled to announce the top 150 thought leaders to follow on Twitter in 2015. Your Twitter newsfeed just got a whole lot more interesting.
Follow this list to keep up with all 150 thought-leading marketers in one place.
Learn about the Top 150 Marketers to Follow in '15:
Kami Huyse @kamichatOn the PR treadmill of life...Founder of @ZoeticaMedia, founder of Social Media Breakfast Houston #SMBHOU
Ann Handley @MarketingProfs
Head of Content here at ‘Profs. I'm waging a war on mediocrity in content. http://www.annhandley.com
Rachel Strella @RachelStrella
Owner of #Strella Social Media, Speaker, Writer, Entrepreneur, Social Media Manager, Champion for Small Business! High-D Personality!
Robert Caruso @fondalo
Dad, Friend, Geek. I Tweet about Social Media, Mrktg, Tech. Love technology & Coffee! CEO of @BundlePost Make me laugh and lets connect!
Bill Clemens @BillClemens
Social Media Marketing Strategist, Speaker and Coach.
Michelle Killebrew @shellkillebrew
Global Marketing, IBM Social Business | Digital Marketing Maven (B2B & B2C), Web Analytics User, eCommerce Junkie, Tech Geek & dog lover. Opinions are mine.
Rob Leathern @robleathern
Startup enthusiast, investor, data, privacy, retail & adtech expert. Ex-enterprise SaaS software CEO, Linkedin alum, CFA. SA rugby, cricket; football, F1 fan.
Juntae DeLane @JuntaeDeLane
Digital Brand Manager for USC. Digital Strategist. Marketing Consultant. Public Speaker. Raider fan. Gym Rat.
Bill Mitchell @askbillmitchell
My name is Bill also known as the demigod of digital debauchery. Discussions vary but isn't limited to music, technology and various humorous observations.
Martin Jones @martinjonesaz
Leader in #socialmedia #content & #growthhack marketing strategies. Writer, Speaker, Blogger - E-content Mag Top 50 - Sr. Marketing Mgr. @CoxBusiness
Adam Ivy @AdamIvy
Media Professional | Content Creator | Marketing Geek | Brand Strategist | YouTuber OH MY..A.I Video: youtube.com/AdamIvyTV
Bernie Borges @bernieborges
Digital Marketing Agency CEO, Host of Social Business Engine Digital TV show, Blogger, Speaker, Author, Christ follower.
Jill Rowley @jill_rowley
Founder & Chief Evangelist.#SocialSelling #ModernMarketing. Delivering Keynotes, Strategy Sessions & Workshops. ABCs of Social Selling = Always Be Connecting.
Katy Lynch @thekatylynch
Founder of SocialKaty, Inc. (now@ManifestDigital). Creator of#TravelTuesday. Named @CrainsChicagoTop Tech 50. Radiohead superfan. Scottish. High heel junkie.
Sean Williams @SeanWilliams
#SocialMedia Thought Leader and Social Media Manager @Hyundai. 12 years in digital. Before that I worked on movies like Forrest Gump and Titanic.
Barry Moltz @barrymoltz
Getting Small Businesses Unstuck. Small business owner, Speaker, Author of 5 books, and Radio Talk Host AM560. Black belt martial artist, lover of vintage cars.
Kseniya Martin @KseniyaMartin
Digital & Social Media Consultant | Personal Branding & Social Sales Coach | @CharlotteAMA @TEDxCharlotte @inthequeencity @CCLdotORG | bit.ly/LI-KM
Daniel Newman @danielnewmanUV
Founder #CEO @Broadsuite | @Huffpost & @Forbes Contributor | Co-Founder @12most | MBA | Biz Prof | Author @millennialCEO | Husband to 1 Father of 2. #Socialbiz
John Spence @AwesomelySimple
Recognized as a Top 100 Business Thought Leader in USA - Top 100 Small Business Influencer in USA - and top 500 Leadership Development Expert in the world.
K.P. Kelly @KP_Kelly
#Christian. Network-aholic. #CoffeeAddict. 6'7'' Giant. Marathon Runner. Semi-Funny Comedian. #SocialMedia Enthusiast. Co-Founder of @Share4Kids#Columbus
Ardath Albee @ardath421
B2B Content Marketing Strategist, Writer, Storyteller & Author of Digital Relevance (Jan 2015) Helps B2B companies turn prospects into buyers & retain customers
Paul Roetzer @paulroetzer
@pr2020 founder & CEO. Author of The Marketing Performance Blueprint & The Marketing Agency Blueprint. Creator of @MKTScore
Marieke Hensel @hensel
challenge the status quo. I make things happen that people only think about. Founder of @bpsocial, @coworkingplace, @openschooloc. Mom to 3 #unschoolkids.
Danny Sullivan @dannysullivan
Founding Editor, @MarketingLand & @SEngineLand, covering Google, Facebook, Twitter, SEO, SEM & all things digital marketing, search marketing and search.
Lee Odden @leeodden
CEO @TopRank Online Marketing. Author, Speaker & Consultant for B2B Content Marketing, Social Media, PR & Search. Proud Dad, World Traveler, Foodie, Beardie.
Tamara McCleary @TamaraMcCleary
National #Speaker & #Relationship Economist | Creator of #RelationShift® | #SocialMedia Top 1% | Performance & #Social #Sales Specialist | Writer, #autism mom
Kate Kendall @KateKendall
Co-founder and CEO of @cloudpeeps. Created @thefetch. Writer. Walker. Lover of chai, cities and communities.
John Battelle @johnbattelle
A Founder of sovrn, NewCo, Federated Media, Web 2 Summit, Industry Standard, Wired; investor and writer on Media, Technology, Culture, Business
Michele Price @prosperitygirl
Business & Communication Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Voice of #BBSradio. Delivers Forward-Thinking Action. Believes in Making a Difference AND a Profit!
Sara Evans @prsaraevans
Digital correspondent for @PayPal @Cisco @CoxComm @ShortyAwards @iamangelfdn @licensingexpo. Big cheese @sarahsfaves
Peter Olsen @PeteOlsen
Husband / Father / Founder Pete Olsen Social Media / Ranked #8 #SocialMedia Expert in World / Naval Academy Grad / Love #Travel / facebook.com/petemolsen
Dorien Morin-van Dam @MoreInMedia
Social Media #Consultant | #Blogger | #BrandAmbassador | Proud to be #Dutch | Mom of 4 kids & 3 labs | Marathon runner
Kasia Johnson @KasiaMerge
Creative Brand Consulting, Web Design, Social Media, Polish-Born Texan, Avid Skier & Adventure Seeker!
Zbynek Kysela @cmelakigor
Social Media Consulting, Digital Art, Security Solutions. Apple Fan. TOP KLOUT influencer. [XOPN], [LION]
Rich Honiball @rhoniball
Marketer | Merchant | Maker | Always Curious | Customer Advocate | World traveler | Sports fan | Amateur writer | Most importantly, DAD
Amy Porterfield @AmyPorterfield
I'll show you exactly how to monetize your online marketing efforts and grow your social media fan base, grow your email list and boost your profits.
Kimberly Devitt @kimdevitt
@UFJSchool Grad Student. Public Relations Campaign Manager. Digital Marketing Professional. Lover of #socialmedia #dogs & #adventure.
Jessica Brown @upgrade2awesome
Business strategist, marketing consultant, novice gardener, and baker of tasty morsels. Jessica helps entrepreneurs rock their superpowers and change the world.
Shannon Huppin @divahound
Building a Social Media Presence For Your Small Business. The Diva of Social Media. We're Ready to Play. Are You?
Matt Payne @mlpayne
Salesforce Trainer @ G/O Digital, Social Media, PPC, SEO, FB Advertising, Email Marketing, Portland, Oregon, Church Planter, Pastor & TrailBlazer Fan.
Matt Carracino @MattCarracino
Search Marketing professional specializing in Facebook, Google, Bing & Yahoo Advertising | Local Search Optimization | Landing Page Optimization
Chris Karasiewicz @ckroks
Social Media and Facebook Marketing pro. Social Business Manager @IBM. Founder of @SocialChefs, Apple guru and tennis player. #AskCK My tweets are my own.
Rick S. Cooper, MBA @RickCooper
Author, Speaker, Coach | Social Media Marketing Expert | Copywriter | Encourager | #SocialMedia#OnlineMarketing #SalesTechnology
Ken Mueller @kmueller62
Director of Marketing & Communications at @tellus360 . Digital marketing speaker, educator, strategist. Coffee, bacon, music, Philly sports. I work on a porch.
Lianne-Carla Savage @LianneCarlaS
Small business marketing consultant based in UK. Want customers spending more, purchasing often and referring all their friends? Visit: salesinflux.com
Nicole Matejic @NicoleMatejic
One head two hats. #SocialFirefighter @socialmediamons CEO @InfoOpsHQ. Sometimes Photojournalist. Buddhist. #SocialMedia #CrisisComms #IOinAction ~ @iabcvic
Eder Holguin @ederman1
Founder and CEO at Ideal Media I Best Selling Author I Entrepreneur I Digital Media Expert
Ann Charles @annmcharles
Founder & CEO @BRANDfog, Social Media for the C-Suite. Helping today’s global leaders get social.
Linda Pophal @StratCommun
Taking a strategic approach to integrated content management and marketing – online and off. We love strategy and results! We blog at: blog.stratcommunications.com
Jamie Tieche @SocialyzeUrBiz
I'm a father, husband and owner of Socialyze Inbound Markting. I provide #WebPresenceDevelopment and #WebPresenceOptimization for #SMB's.
Peter Trapasso @petertrapasso
Social media consultant for hire now! 15 years marketing experience. #crowdfunding #apps #startups #Fortune500 77 Klout score #Influencer Top 75 followed in SF
Tamara Mendoza @LollyTammy
Freelancer [SMM] #Inspire #SocialMedia Coffee is Love.
Charise Strandberg @Chari_S
AT&T Wireless Social Media Community Influencer. Top 400 Females & 15 Marketers in to follow on Google . Top 31 to follow on Twitter by INC. Tweets are my own.
Scott Gombar @ScottGombar
Inbound & Social Media Marketer. I help Small Businesses succeed. #GrowthHacker #DigitalMarketing Father to 4! Brutally Honest and somewhat blunt.
Rick Purse @rickpurse
Social Media Marketing Business Consulting & IT Support for Small Biz | #SM Contributor for @examinercom | Tech Facebook Twitter YouTube Tips & more!
Janet Aronica @JanetAronica
Founder @cuberiot and marketing consultant for startups.
Suse Barnes @susby
Digital, web, search and socialmedia marketing consultant, professor, speaker and trainer. Love to listen, learn, teach and play.
Mellissah Smith @marketingeyeaus
Mellissah Smith is an entrepreneur, marketer, writer, small biz commentator. #marketer #socialmedia #entrepreneur marketingeye.com
Deborah Shane @DeborahShane
Top 100 #SmallBiz Champ, Top 100 #SmallbizPodcast, #Careers #Branding, #SocialMedia, Content, kindness, travel, humor, cycling, family, friendship.
Rhonda Serkes @rhondaserkes
A collaborative marketing strategist, digital & social media professional, website creator, designer, coach, mentor, mother, swimmer. serkesmarketing.com
Jonathan C. Zaback @zabackj
Chief Strategy Officer & Partner @thechrgroup | Seinfeld Aficionado | Nemesis of Mediocrity | Fearless & Fun | Spouse to @SocialKimler | Tweets Are All Me!
Kristie Jeffries @p2pKristie
Digital marketing at @people2people recruitment, social media fanatic, UCLA alum, California to Spain to Sydney transplant. linkedin.com/in/kirstiej
Jaclyn Brandt @jaclynbrandt
Writer, social media manager and content editor. Broadcast survivor. #Boise is where my heart is. Posts are my own, and sometimes yours.
Stan Sher @StanSher
Founder of Dealer eTraining, Social Sher & Digital Guitar Player. Business, Sales & Marketing Consultant. Music Industry Blogger.
Joshua Coffy @JoshCoffy
Entrepreneur. Blogger. Life Enthusiast. :)
Nate Riggs @nateriggs
CEO of @nrmediagroup. thinker doer. blogger. speaker. podcaster. content marketer. marketing teacher @ohiou. husband dad of 3. deer hunter. #jedimaster
DiMassimo Goldstein @DiGoBrands
Inspiring action since 1996.
Glen Gow @CrimsonCEO
Expert in marketing technology. Author of Revenue and the CMO. Host of High Tech Marketing Insights Podcast.
Julia Hull @PerfectJulia
Contagious Laugh. Lover of fine Wines & #SocialMedia Connector & far from Perfect! Director Customer Support for @BundlePost & Realtor in Modesto 209-604-5028
Marc Poirier @marcpoirier
Founder and EVP at Acquisio, search engine marketing expert with academic background in cognitive science (Ph.D.). Hobbies include fishing and boxing.
David Szetela @Szetela
Author, speaker and expert in PPC Online Advertising. Follow me for tweets with excellent info about Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Facebook, Twitter etc.
David Rodnitzky @rodnitzky
CEO of @3QDigital. 13 years in SEM and digital media. Big fan of the Iowa Hawkeyes.
Melissa Mackey @Mel66
Search engine marketing pro specializing in PPC. Search Supervisor at gyro. Agency & in-house, I've done it all. I'm a mom and a proud MSU alum, too.
Jeremy Kagan @KaganJ
Founder, PricingEngine.com. Thinker, Professor in Digital Media. (Urban Dad, Indie Rock, Food & Wine, Video Games, Science & Science Fiction IRL. Shhh!)
DHH @dhh
Creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder & CTO at Basecamp (formerly 37signals), NYT Best-selling author of REWORK and REMOTE, and Le Mans class-winning racing driver.
Chester Elston @chesterelton
Chester Elton is co-author of several successful leadership books and is an in-demand speaker the world over.
Lauren Maillian Bias @LaurenMBias
Author of The Path Redefined, mom to remarkable children, marketer, brand builder, founder of an award-winning wine brand at 19. Startup advisor and investor.
Dave Power @WDavidPower
Author of The Curve Ahead bit.ly/U7AcTO | CEO Perkins.org | Harvard Instructor bit.ly/1kOFbj2 |
Scott Gerber @scottgerber
Founder, @YEC. Executive Producer, @Forbes. Host, @Inc #FoundersForum. Connect w/ #entrepreneurs on StartupCollective.com & YEC.co
AndreaVahl @AndreaVahl
Co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies. Creator of @GrandmaMaryShow. Improv comedienne and wine drinker.
Mike Maddock @theideamonkey
Serial entrepreneur. CEO of Agency@MaddockDouglas. Author of 3 books about creativity and Innovation. Forbes columnist. Keynote speaker. Dad, hubby and dreamer.
Phylls Khare @phylliskhare
#Author #Social Media #Marketing TimeBliss.ME is OPEN -- simple time management for busy entrepreneurs. Get Your Life Together!!
Jeff Haden @jeff_haden
Ghostwriter, speaker, @Inc Magazine contributing editor, @LinkedIn Influencer (only time I'll ever be on same list w/ Richard Branson.) Mostly tweet new posts.
Jamie Turner @AskJamieTurner
Author, International Speaker and CEO of 60 Second Communications and the 60 Second Marketer. Follow me for tips, tools & techniques to improve your marketing.
Erik Qualman @equalman
The Digital Dale Carnegie
Ronald Shapiro @ronaldmshapiro
Expert Negotiator, Sports Agent, Attorney, Educator, Civic Leader, & NYT Best Selling Author.
Chuck Martin @chuckmartin
Editor, mCommerce Daily, MediaPost, Columnist, NY Times Business Bestselling Author of Mobile Influence, Keynote Speaker Internationally
Dorie Clark @dorieclark
HBR and Forbes contributor; marketing strategist & speaker; Duke Fuqua School of Business prof; author of Reinventing You (HBR Press, 2013)
J.T. O'Donnell @jtodonnell
CEO & Founder of CAREEREALISM Media | Author | Speaker | Blogger | Head Coach at CareerHMO.com
Colin Shaw @ColinShaw_Tx
Founder @BeyondP, Customer Experience Consultancy | LinkedIn Top 150 Business Influencer | Best-Selling Author | @LutonTown FC Supporter | Family Man
Michael A. Stelzner @Mike_Stelzner
Founded Social Media Examiner @smexaminer, host of Social Media Marketing podcast, authored Launch & Writing White Papers. Committed Christian and dad.Richard Moran @richmoran - San Francisco based CEO, vintner, venture capitalist, social scientist, best selling author and evangelist for organization effectiveness.
AJ Jacobs @ajjacobs
Author of The Year of Living Biblically. Organizer of the globalfamilyreunion.com. Your cousin.
Jeffrey Hayzlett @JeffreyHayzlett
Host of C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett on @BloombergTV
Verne Harnish @thegrowthguy
Gazelles CEO, EO founder, speaker/writer on #entrepreneurship, #growth companies, and #strategic planning.
Brian Cuban @bcuban
Best Selling Author/Keynote Speaker-Body Dysmorphic Disorder-Eating Disorders- Addiction-Depression -Courage-Recovery -Penn State 83 grad, Pitt Law 86
Dick Bolles @ParachuteGuy
I'm a long-time best-selling author (five years on the N.Y. Times list), 10,000,000 copies sold, What Color Is Your Parachute?
Drew Hendricks @DrewAHendricks
Social Media, Business and Environmental Addict - Contributing Writer at Inc., Forbes and Entrepreneur.
Jayson DeMers @jaysondemers
Founder & CEO of AudienceBloom (audiencebloom.com), a Seattle-based content marketing & social marketing agency, writer for Forbes, HuffPo, and more.
John Rampton @johnrampton
Entrepreneur, Investor & Connector. Columnist for @Forbes, @Entrepreneur, @Inc, @HuffingtonPost, Blogger and Full Time Computer Nerd
Stefan Lindegaard @lindegaard
Author, speaker and advisor focusing on open innovation, innovation culture/management and the people side of innovation (the mindset, tools you need today).
Patrick Lencioni @patricklencioni
Best-selling author of several business books including The Five Dysfunctions of Team, and sought after speaker and consultant.
Kevin Coyne, PHR @kcoynehr
Dynamic & Innovative HR Professional. I microblog where #HR, technology and social media meet. Also #runs, #collegefootballfan. Welcome and follow!
Jeff Boss @JeffBoss9
#Crossleader @mcchrystalgroup, board member @SEALFutureFund, @forbes and @entrepreneur contributor, former #navyseal. Tweets are my own.
Sallie Krawcheck @SallieKrawcheck
Ellevate Network, Ellevate Asset Management...past head of Merrill Lynch & Smith Barney ....past research analyst.....mom....crazed UNC basketball fan
Troy Osinoff @yo
Entrepreneur, Author, Investor, Board of Advisors @stadiumred, @ModernVice, @Fitocracy. Founded: @MakeAGIF, @DontRuinItApp and others.Fan of @NYKnicks & @Giants
Kenny Nguyen @bigfishkenny
CEO/Founder of Big Fish Presentations| Foodie |Astrologist Nerd
Seth Price @sethstuff
Work: @Placester Marketer, Speaker, Evangelist, Passionate Startup Guy | Play: Happy husband, father and lover all things cooked and crafted.
Rachel @rachelgully_
Freelance Social Media & Digital Marketing Geek. Blogger at rachsplace.com. Studying for a HND in Business Marketing. Often found in the gym.
Khailee NG @khailee
Managing Partner @500Startups, Co-founder of Groupsmore (acquired by Groupon) SAYS.com (acquired by Catcha Group)
Mikki Ware @wishingwebpage
Solving small business problems through digital marketing strategies. Content Manager @Gremln.com. Tweets are my own. #socialmedia #smbiz #marketing#finser
Jon Iwata @coastw
SVP, Marketing & Communications, IBM. Passionate about how data is transforming how our world works. Helping IBM be true to its corporate character.
Marvin Chow @theREALmarvin
marketing director at google. curious creator, intrepreneurer, brand pimp, food escort, cultural anthropologist, GSD!
Jessyca Lewis @JessycaLewis
#Instructor of #Marketing #University of Oregon, #70/Top100 Mktg Profs on #Twitter, Faculty advisor: #UOSocialMediaClub #Study Abroad Instructor #winemarketing
Scott @nametagscott
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Filmmaker. Publisher. Thinkmapper. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
Matthew Cook @MattCookSales
Founder & #CEO of @Sales_Hub. @HubSpot Gold Partner & Founder of @SalesJobSearch. Father of 3, 2X #Ironman703 Finisher, Helping Companies Sell More
Chris Brady @RascalTweets
NYT Best Selling Author (Over 1 million books sold in 6 languages), CEO of @LIFELeadrship, Speaker, Humorist, World Traveler, Soccer Fan, Father, Rascal!
Doyle Wheeler @DoyleWheeler
Online Marketer specializing in Social Media. iPhone and GoPro photographer. Aspiring coffee geek. #FilterNerd
Satya Patel @satyap
Dad, VC @Homebrew & Board Dir.@kippbayarea. Ex-Twitter VP Product/Google PM. Food, scotch & @Giants fan. Penn educated, Vegas raised. Optimizing for happiness.
Gary Oneil @garyoneil2
I create brands out of start-ups | Co-Founder of HUSTLE BRANDING www.hustlebranding.com | @MJGottlieb is my biz partner | Dad | Husband |
Dayna M. Mathews @KickAssCareer
#Career & Personal #Branding #Coach for Kick-Ass Women | #LinkedIn Geek | #Hockey Lover | MN Gal in AZ | Lifelong Dumb & Dumber fan | Uber Goof
Krista Whitely @KeepinUpWKrista
Award Winning #Entrepreneur, #Inspiring #Blogger #Speaker, Fun Mommy, Solving Problems Using Supercool #VegasTech @Laicos, Living, Working & Playing in #DTLV
Steve Strauss @SteveStrauss
Senior @USATODAY small biz columnist & spokesperson. Check out my new book, Planet Entrepreneur. More at theselfemployed.com & goo.gl/KGWaZ
Scott Pollack @slpollack
Head of Business Development @SumAll. Formerly BD & Product @AmericanExpress. I write about partnerships b/w startups & Big Companies: www.startofthedeal.com
TIm Dobson @tdobson
Thinker, Blogger, Hacker, Hiker. Community Manager @bytemark. Team Happiness.
Jenna Goudreau @Jenna_Goudreau
Senior Editor at @BusinessInsider, overseeing @BI_Strategy, @BI_Careers & @BIYourMoney. Former @Forbes, @EntMagazine staffer. Speaker on women and leadership.
Will Blunt @WillBluntAU
Helping people attract, grow and nurture an online audience. Founder of @BloggerSidekick, Chief Contributor at @Bluewire_Media and massive Drake fan!
Mike Michalowicz @MikeMichalowicz
I'm an author. I wrote Profit First and other business books. I like 80's hairbands. I know entrepreneurs are superheros, 'cause they support the world.
Michael Port @michaelport
father, friend, lover, revolutionary, big thinker... and best selling author
Harvey Brofman @hbrofman
Angel Investor, Serial Entrepreneur. Tweet about #Healthcare, #HCIT, #SM, #Startups, #Solutions, Improving #CX#UX, Cross Channel #RM & more. Member NY Angels.
Randy Milanovic @kayak360
Entrepreneur, marketer, 2x author, blogger of online marketing, SEO & social engagement topics. Stage IV Cancer Survivor. Social Media Today Best Thinker.
Stuart Baddiley @stuartbaddiley
Hospitality Champion, Social Media Fanatic, Restaurant Owner, Likeable Consultant, Entrepreneur & Gin Loving Guy :)
Sean Burke @sean_h_burke
CEO of @KiteDesk. Passionate about #Sales, #Marketing, #Entrepreneurship and #Tech. Great family with lots of laughs.
Claudia A. Altucher @ClaudiaYoga
WSJ Best Seller co-Author of: 'The Power Of No' and, 'Become an Idea Machine' - Yoga Teacher/Writer/Podcast Host www.TheYogaPodcast.com
Drew Hendricks @DrewAHendricks
Social Media, Business and Environmental Addict - Contributing Writer at Inc., Forbes and Entrepreneur.
Peter Shankman @petershankman
Dad, husband, author, angel investor, marketer, TEDx speaker, @Dell Entrepreneur-in-Residence, NASA advisor, HARO Founder. Ironman. Skydiver.
Mary C Long @MaryCLong
Consistently interested in inconsistent things. Word hacker. Digital disruptor. Ghost @DigMedGhost @AllFacebook @Examinercom
Jeanne Hopkins @jeannehopkins
SVP/CMO @followcontinuumResponsible for accelerating revenue and engaging prospects, customers, and partners through a highly targeted portfolio of initiatives
Matt Wayne @RealMattWayne
founder: @NoSocialLimits. Helping people & businesses get seen via #socialmedia since '07. Co-founder: @OilObsessed. Laptop Lifestyle. Beau 2 @TonyaDiDomenico.
Ann Smarty @seosmarty
#Blogger | Founder http://MyBlogU.com | Co-founder #VCBuzz | Brand manager @NinjasMarketing
Amy Vernon @AmyVernon
I do stuff on the Internet. Speaker. Recovering journalist. #SMEtiquette #BaconQueen #WomenLead #WomenWhoTech #DangerLadies #SMUN #StarWars AND #StarTrek
Jason Falls @JasonFalls
Husband, Father, Author, Speaker, Humorist. Allegedly wise to the ways of PR, Digital Marketing and Social Media. I like bourbon.
Brent Csutoras @brentcsutoras
Owner / Social Media Strategist @ Kairay Media, as well as the Chief Social Media Strategist at Pixel Road Designs and Alpha Brand Media.
Marcus Tober @marcustober
Cynthia Johnson @CynthiaLive
Dir. of Social Media @Ranklab, Host of#TheSMGirl Chat-Tues. 1PM PST, Editorial Director @SocialMediaClub & Speaker. http://CynthiaLIVE.com
Anita B. Newton @AnitaBNewton
Marketing Junkie, @MightyHandle Addict & STEMRobotics enthusiast. Lead Marketing @Adknowledge. Contributing writer @inc
Brian Solis @briansolis
Jay Baer @jaybaer
NY Times best selling author, marketing consultant, keynote speaker. President of Convince & Convert
Derek Halpern @derekhalpern
Investor & Founder of Social Triggers, which reaches more than 400,000 entrepreneurs each month. I'm 99% useless, but that 1% when I'm not, I'm dangerous.
Brian Clark @brianclark
Founder: http://copyblogger.com , Host:http://rainmaker.fm , Curator: http://further.net .
Brian Moran @brianmoran
Helping entrepreneurs & marketers navigate the small-to-midsize business marketplace. Got questions? We have the answers.
Darren Rowse @problogger
Speaker, Author, Blogger & Founder of @ProBlogger, @ProbloggerEvent @DigitalPS. Helping Bloggers Reach their Potential. Husband to @Stylensh.
Carlos Gil @CarlosGil83
Head of Digital and Social Media@SaveALot, Marketing Strategist, Speaker, Entrepreneur @JobsDirectUSA@JaxBizExchange, @YouTube Vlogger@CarlosGilT
Source: LikeableLocal