Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Page 60

Written by Intern, Katina Lindaa.

Creating a blog in itself can be difficult, but creating a strong social media following for your blog can be even more challenging. Here are some tips. 

What comes first the blog or the social media following? This is dependent on the individual. For example, some individuals already have a strong online presence through their social media accounts. They might already have a large following on their Instagram posting about lifestyle, and want to take it that next step further. They then create a blog geared towards lifestyle, so they are able to write more in depth posts.
Never die wondering. It's not just what I say, its what most people would say, even you, had you not been so afraid to take the risk.

I don't know about you, but I am tired of people coming to me for advice, and then never doing anything about it. I am not talking about coming to me for advice and not following my advice. I am talking about coming to me with an idea, and never executing it, mostly due to fear of failure.
The other day I read an article that Ashton Kutcher shared on Facebook "8 Fears and Insecurities Everyone Has". Of course, like the millions of other people who clicked through to the article, I wanted to know what insecurities and fears other people have.

Ashton outlined his fears in the retweet:

No. 1 I'm not good enough
No. 2 My work isn't good enough
No. 6 I'm afraid of failing/disappointing
No. 7 If people knew the real me, they wouldn't like me

It got me thinking. What are my fears and insecurities? Like most people, I have many but I possibly don't dig deeply into them too often, because who wants to be confronted by what we fear most?

I don't want to be reminded about my fears/insecurities but after reading the article, I decided that it's possibly not the worse idea to confront them head on and by doing that, share them on this blog.

They are a bit 'girly' in some ways and not at all the same as Ashton's (but hey, he is gorgeous, successful, smart, hot blah blah blah). But they are something I think a few readers may relate to.

After a bit of soul searching, this is what I came up with:
For those who read my blogs, you may have read about the fact that I grew up in a country town in regional Queensland. Charters Towers was once called "The World" and for many still is. It's known for gold, cattle and country music, but to me, its just this quaint town more than an hour outside of Townsville, that I proudly called "my hometown".

Today, after a few emails backwards and forwards, I connected with an old childhood friend, Sonya Gough.
I am an average guitar player. Sometimes I think I should have played the piano. I have an ear for piano, I can pick up any melody and start banging the keys and music miraculously fills the air. With the guitar on the other hand, I can play when sheet music is put in front of me. I can learn to play songs, but I can’t play by ear.

I guess that is something to do with the way my brain is wired. I am not the front man, rock star I thought I could be when I first had guitar lessons. I’m more the guy who sits behind the piano, fully integrated into the sounds being made and lost in the full force of the music.
Bill Hambrecht, chairman of WR Hambrecht & Co once said, “You don’t want any buyer to feel like he’s been foolish or cheated. So they all get the same price.”

I came across this quote recently and it resonated with me, more so than any number of great quotes I have read in my time putting motivational magazines together.
There are blogs and then there are, well, blogs. Some bloggers are one hit wonders, others stay around for the long haul continually reinventing themselves and bringing out new material.

I asked marketers to give me an insight into what they believed was the top 50 blogs that every entrepreneur should read at least once. This is what they came up with:


Neil Patel has run two successful software companies, Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics, he has worked with clients of all sizes in almost every industry, in return getting results in some of the most competitive online niches like car insurance.
Of the Oscar nominated films I have watched so far – and I have watched a few – Whiplash has been my favourite. Putting aside the amazing performance by JK Simmons and the incredible score, it got me thinking about how far people are willing to go to get the best out of themselves and others. 

How far do you push? Is your best good enough or do you strive for better, for more or even to be the best? 
Positive psychology, like all good science, has evolved, becoming richer and more applicable as research uncovers what works to cultivate happiness. Our ancestors rubbed two sticks together to make fire, learning through experimentation, replication, and results how to reliably and consistently create warmth when needed. At first they guessed at how to make fire, just like today some of us guess how to make ourselves happy (which, ironically enough, sometimes makes us feel unhappy).  We have the science now to orient ourselves to happiness, and through the science of positive psychology we can use it to flourish, building a fire of positive emotions that support and nourish our wellbeing. 

The question, however that claws at most of us from time to time is how to maximise positive psychology?
They're young having the time of their lives while studying their arses off, and as part of their University Degree or off their own bat, they have decided to do an internship. Luckily for me, it's at Marketing Eye.

First of all, they send off their resumes to hundreds of different companies requesting an internship. In Australia, they are largely not paid, so interns are volunteering their own time in reward for hands on experience.

I once said to an intern that when they finished their University Degree that they would be more employable due to their internship and ability to attract 50,000 to a blog, than those of who may have received a better score. Experience particularly in marketing counts for something.

So, I asked some of our interns, what an internship is really like. Here's what they had to say:
Back in the mid 1990s, having walked out of university ready to earn big money in journalism, I was rudely awakened by the difficulty to get a job in the industry. So, like any self respecting 20-something, I took any job I could and became a shoe salesman while I trawled job ads for my chosen profession.

I was Al Bundy at the tail end of Al Bundy’s great Married With Children TV run; before the brilliant Ed O’Neill became the old man on Modern Family. Now, I have never considered myself a salesperson, but I did okay and the easiest sales came because of an immediate rapport built with customers. I really wasn’t selling anything, I was just having a chat to someone whose interests matched mine, or whose personality was appealing. I think they bought from me because of the very fact that I wasn’t selling to them, and of course they needed a pair of shoes.
I cannot describe enthusiastically enough how excited I am to be in Melbourne today, the 12th day of January.

Still calling hotels my home, but albeit for only a short time more, I woke up excited for what the day will bring. Today, I will re-engage with my Australian team and work together with them to build Marketing Eye in Australia by 40 percent over the next 12 months. We have everything in place ready to go - and its incredibly motivating.
"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it." - Michaelangelo

Goals. Not the kind Lionel Messi or Lance Franklin kick. More the type set by entrepreneurs, businesses, dieters and anyone who wants to get the most from life. I’ve edited a lot of pieces about goal setting in the last two months. It’s that time of year. Of those, however, who are taking expert advice and setting their goals, many fail to make them stick.