Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Mellissah Smith - Page 4

Making a conscience effort to be the best version of yourself takes a lot of soul searching. It also takes a lot of strength as you have to look yourself in the mirror and work out what is working and what isn't. Where you can improve and where you don't have to.

About 3 or so years ago, I made a momentus change by looking deeply within myself and exploring what I could possibly achieve in this lifetime. I set goals for everything imaginable, including the life of my dog (check out Instagram account @thereal_pippasmith), my health, my family, my career and so on.

I broke up every area of my life and worked out how I could live it better than I have lived it before. And you know what, it mostly works. Except you will slip up like I did on a few things, but they will mostly be things of the heart where your reaction isn't quite what you would have planned for it to be. By slipping up, you have the opportunity to change and work on that area, while you keep developing yourself and achieving the goals set out in front of you.
On the weekend I went to dinner with a few girlfriends, then a couple of them went on to a nightclub. 

I personally couldn't think of anything worse. Why in your mid-forties would you want to go to a nightclub? To pick up? To get drunk? Really?

Then I thought a bit more; I know lots of old, rich men who go to nightclubs, particularly when they are in New York, London, Ibiza, Mykonos etc. There seems to be a growing trend. Perhaps I didn't notice it so much when I was younger at how many old men there are in nightclubs. I am talking 50's, 60's and god-forbid, 70 year old's hanging out with 20-somethings, trying to lure them through wing-men that are more connected usually due to their ability to source drugs or find rich people to pick up the tab.
I have a long history watching Malcolm Turnbull. I knew of him from his days as a tech entrepreneur, then later through a friend of mine who was proactive in helping him as part of his greater team of volunteers get into Parliament.

I even flew to Canberra for his Maiden Speech and watched him knowingly that one day he would become Prime Minister of Australia. And he is. Today he is Prime Minister of our amazing country that I am so proud to live in.
The most amazing thing happeneda few days ago. I went to a pool party in Atlanta and a guy came up to me very excited at the opportunity to finally meet me. He had never met me before, but had heard things about me. But his real reason for wanting to meet me is that he is a "fan" of my blogs, tweets and really anything I put on social media.

Not the creepy type of fan. The genuine person who appreciates honestly, vulnerability and someone who is fearless in sharing her real life.

So, I thought I might start a few blogs about who I really am.

The mentor

To use this word seems strange to me because I feel like I am not old enough or experienced enough to be anyone's mentor, but it just so happens that I am a mentor to a lot of people and that is something I have to take seriously.
Today I started writing a series of blogs on our various websites: | | and now giving readers of these blogs an insight into who I really am. I am going to try and be raw and real, with no secrets or pretense. Feel free to give any feedback on whatever you read.


I am inquisitive. I ask the "why?" every single time, usually inside my head. I don't just accept things as they are. I think about why they are as they are, or why someone has said what they have said. I think about why people do the things they do. Why they are one way with one person and another with the next.

When I see a painting, I think about why the artist chose to paint the picture like they did? What was going on inside their minds when they were painting away? Why they chose to sell their painting where they did? What they really thought of the painting that they did?

I am fascinated by design. Today I walked into Restoration Warehouse in Atlanta. It is one of the most beautiful retail buildings in the world. Each piece of furniture or fitting has a unique story to be told. 

Further on my journey today, i walked past Moncler and stood watching the window display. The robots with the mannequins dressed in jackets was so creative I wonder how anyone could have come up with it. It not only made me stare at it long enough to think that in itself it is a piece of art, but it also had me completely in awe of the designer. That's a real talent. 

Inquisitive people have a strong desire that borders on obsession. They want answers - especially one's that are not so obvious.

Good marketers are born to be inquisitive. They need to be inquisitive as to why someone would buy a product or service. Why someone chooses one brand over another. If they are not inquisitive, then they usually are not the best marketers.
Sometimes I am given great topics to write about just because I am out there living life to the fullest, experiencing as much as possible. I meet people from all walks of life and am continually exposed to different cultures. This is what I really love about my world.

Yesterday I received an apology, actually two from someone. As I read it and re-read it, I realized that it wasn't an apology, it was just words so that the person could get themselves out of a spot of bother. They didn't care less about the apology, but were probably advised to do so.
If I had a magic ball, I would look deeply into it and think about what I really wanted to experience and get out of life. 

This morning I had breakfast at The Mercer Kitchen in Soho with my friend Kristina Karlsson, you know that phenomenal businesswoman who blows every other Australian businesswoman out of the water.
Children are very important to any family. It is a choice that people decide to have children, and if you have been fortunate enough to have the privilege of having a child, make sure you take it very seriously.

Many of us have issues. I for one, have many but for the purpose of this blog I think I won't go into it. 

I wrote a story about narcissists in general, and thought I would dig a bit deeper as to how it actually affects the children of a narcissist. We cannot be perfect, but what we can do is try our best and identify areas that we need to improve on and make the relevant steps to do so.

With divorce once again on the rise, which is very disheartening, it's very important to think about your children and how you can ensure that the divorce isn't just about you getting a new lease in life, but about ensuring your children get the best out of both worlds.

I wish I had had children and hopefully one day I will be lucky enough to meet someone who has already been there and done that, and play a role. I love the fact that you can love someone unconditionally. I love my dog yet I didn't give birth to her. Some people say that that is not the same, but I tend to disagree. 
In two days, I will be 42 years old. I write that with a huge smile on my face. I have in the past 12 months had the hardest 12 months of my life from an emotional perspective, but more recently, strangely, the best. As I get older, I keep learning so much about myself and others and I know how enriching that is. Getting older is exciting and allows me to grow in ways I never thought possible. 

When you are navigating life by yourself, it is hard to know whether you are doing the right or the wrong thing. The decisions you make in some way seem less important because all the mission critical one's were made earlier on, yet some are defined more by time. Finally I have hit that mid point in my life and it would be ignorant not to reflect and appreciate the good and learn from the bad. At least that's how I see it.

So many of my friends hit their 40's and have had mid life crisis; divorced or have done something crazy that I am sure one day they will regret. I was a little different. I went within myself and was probably a tad hard on myself and what I had achieved to date, and started this path which I have since gotten off, that was not going to make me happy long-term.

I won't deny that I am my own biggest critic, but mostly what I have learned is that I have grown in ways that make me extremely proud of the person I have become. Not the business woman that the world sees, or those so-called successes, but the person within. I am sure that sounds wrong when someone else reads this, but by saying it out loud, I am revealing who I am today.