Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Blog Author Mellissah Smith - Page 118

Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith is a marketing expert, author, writer, public speaker and technology innovator. Having worked with more than 1000 companies across technology, medical services, professional services, manufacturing, logistics, finance and health industries, Mellissah has a well-established reputation as an experienced marketing professional with more than 30 years experience. As the founder and managing director of Marketing Eye, she has taken the company from startup to a multi-million dollar enterprise with offices in Australia and the US. She is the founder of AI software company, Robotic Marketer, which automates the development and management of marketing strategies. Mellissah is also the Editor in Chief of Marketing Eye Magazine, a quarterly magazine that cover marketing, entrepreneurship, travel, health and wellbeing. She is also the co-editor of Contact Centre Magazine, Minimalistic Magazine (building products and architectural design), and Human Magazine (wellness). #mellissahsmith #marketingeye #roboticmarketer
Monday, 01 March 2010

Gatorade Dumps Tiger

The ‘apology’ media conference by Tiger Woods was a disgrace. He was ill-advised and read from a script that was obviously written by a PR.
Monday, 01 March 2010

Set a Sales Target in Stone

Small business owners often have a ‘dream’ figure of what they would like their sales targets to be – but never really set it in stone.
Tuesday, 02 March 2010

A HUGE Bingle

laraIt saddens me that someone would take a photograph of a woman having a shower when clearly by the expression on her face, she did not authorise for it to be taken.
Wednesday, 03 March 2010

Being an entrepreneur is no holiday

stropezbeach-200x300Not the most startling of revelations but something we are all reminded of from time to time. Being an entrepreneur is one of the craziest, yet most rewarding choices an individual can make – and I am so glad I made this decision at 25.
Thursday, 04 March 2010

Wow… I mean WOW!

I LOVE my job! Why because I get to meet the most inspirational, passionate entrepreneurs in Australia, day-in, day-out, who all want to succeed.
I have unavoidably heard information relating to Lara Bingle’s nude photo and the update according to various media includes her selling her story for up to $200,000 and that quite possibly given that this was a 4 year old photograph, that she actually leaked it herself with her new management.
Monday, 08 March 2010

From Paris With Love

I am sitting at a cafe in one of the most beautiful, romantic cities in the world wondering whether or not I should be working or out exploring. In the end, I decided that its best to do both.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The world is our oyster

Having a go is very Australian and since my short stay in Paris, I have realised just how much Australian’s really are ‘having a go’.
No matter where you travel in the world, there is always a restaurant that someone recommends.

In Paris, it appears that Australian’s love to got L’Avenue in the 8th District. It is a very chic Parisan restaurant owned by the Coste Group. On Sunday, I was sitting outside, enjoying some beautiful French wine and I met one of the owners. His restaurants are world famous and they are on the ‘must visit’ list for most tourists.

Last night, after attending a networking group where this young woman puts together people from countries around the world to meet and find out more about each other, I realised that this restaurant isn’t just a tourist destination, but the locals love it too.
Thursday, 11 March 2010

To hire or not

Travelling the world talking to business people can sometimes make everything seem so much more clearer.