Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Marketing - Page 12

Professional services firms encompass a far broader range of functions including marketing and recruiting, who often have the liberty of embracing differentiation and diversity from their competitors. Yet, when the words ‘professional services’ are thrown around, they usually bring to mind an amorphous mix of accounting, legal, management consulting and financial planning firms.

The reason that this mental melding takes place is due to the desire of professionals services firms to shy away from the crowd and attempt to blend in with their competitors.

This takes place because:


Financial service firms face a variety of challenges when it comes to marketing their products and services. They must cope with customer and market-related restrictions in addition to working in a highly regulated industry, which can make it harder to effectively engage with clients and prospects and challenging to make themselves distinguishable from other firms to potential clients. As marketing techniques evolve, leading accounting and finance firms have revolted against traditional marketing techniques, as they have become increasingly aware of the danger that faces those who fall behind.


With COVID-19 and the rise of e-commerce, people are spending more time on their smartphones than ever before, meaning that optimising your content for mobile just became essential. In fact, recent statistics indicate that 67% of consumers engage in “digital window shopping” on their mobile, of which 77% lead to making purchasing decisions. These statistics combined give insight into changing consumer trends that help illuminate the need for businesses need to make their web content optimised for mobile devices.


Marketing is constantly changing. It's vital for your company to stay updated with industry advances. Keeping an eye on marketing data is an efficient method to stay relevant and up to date with the newest marketing trends, while keeping your sales pipeline healthy and your brand within the consideration set of your customers. To help you connect with your consumers, reach your target audience, and enhance conversions, we've provided our list of the most topical marketing statistics for 2023, whether you're focused on SEO, content marketing, social media, lead generation, advertising, or marketing technology.

Learn our top 21 stats for 2023.


You’ve heard blogging is a good way to increase brand awareness of your business and you’ve started one. But you’ve likely run into a slight problem. No one is reading your blogs. This may be extremely disheartening, frustrating and above all discouraging to the progress of your blog however, it’s the same problem many people are struggling with and have struggled with in the past. If you’re struggling to get people to read your blogs here are six of the most common reasons why and what you can do to fix them.


Digital marketing has exponentially become the marketing tactic of choice for businesses of all sizes.

Due to the rise in popularity of social media and e-commerce, traditional marketing tactics have become increasingly less popular. Although there are many advantages to using digital media, employing a mixed marketing strategy, combining digital and traditional marketing tactics, can optimize the reach of your brand message to your customer. To ensure your business's name is cutting through the noise and standing out to your potential customers, we have compiled a list of 6 Non-Digital Marketing Tactics that still work, even in the 21st century.


In the last decade, marketers have had to overcome a wide range of shifts in marketing and advertising strategies and take advantage of technological disruptions. However, the last year has fundamentally demonstrated the adaptability and effectiveness of digital marketing strategies on a whole new level. Given that the COVID-19 global pandemic has drastically transformed how we communicate and interact with each other, businesses are having to learn how to accommodate for the “new normal”. Although there is a long journey ahead in the road to recovery, extended lockdowns & the ongoing pandemic continues to push marketers to pursue steady and reliable strategies to engage and connect with consumers and companies alike. 


The digital marketing space is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, with the constant development of new solutions and technologies to improve business marketing performance. In the arena of these new technologies, many marketers and small business owners may be asking themselves which solution is best fitted to their company. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s always great to try and experiment with the latest and greatest advent in marketing. However, it’s been observed that traditional and more reliable methods consistently produce better results for businesses over time.


It should come as no surprise that following the pandemic last year, e-commerce has had exponential growth. In 2020 alone, the cumulative value of retail e-commerce sales worldwide was 4.28 trillion USD and is expected to reach 5.4 trillion US dollars in 2022.  The demographics of online customers are also shifting as it is not just Gen Z and millennials driving this growth, but also older shoppers.


With the onset of the digital age, every aspect of the business has changed, with the introduction of digital technologies propelling marketing forward. Previously, marketers were limited in their ability to measure impact and analyse data, as they lacked the feedback across channels to gather these insights. Nowadays, the digital age has resulted in an influx of data that marketers can use to enhance their marketing strategies greatly. The efficacy of these digital technologies is evident in the transition to digital marketing, reflected by its accounting for more than 50 percent of global advertising spending in 2020.


In an increasingly competitive market, knowing how to execute an effective customer marketing strategy is critical. Your ability to retain current clients will determine the success or failure of your business. Moreover, customer marketing strategies play a central role when recruiting new customers and help to further foster loyalty and trust.


In today's day and age, marketing strategies are essential for a business to run smoothly and successfully. When these strategies become effective, they are the foundation of making a business succeed. 

As stated in the blog ‘How an Effective Marketing Strategy can help your business grow’, having the right marketing strategy can be a make-or-break factor that determines the growth and success of your business. However, to be as successful as possible, businesses need to diversify their marketing platforms. Diversifying your approach allows your business to achieve long-term growth while introducing your product or business to a completely new market. 

Here are our top reasons why you need to diversify your marketing strategy: 


A marketing strategy workshop is a space for collaboration. Ideas are constructed, analysis is undertaken and critical decision making is implemented. Members from various departments can come together and understand how marketing influences their outcomes. This allows for more innovative and effective solutions.

Since workshops only happen occasionally be sure to take advantage of them to show the rest of the company just how important marketing is to success. This is your one chance to effectively demonstrate the impact of marketing on all departments of the business.