Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Entrepreneurship - Page 2

On January 7 this year, I opened by diary for the first time in 2020. It was a remarkable moment, one that was so full of promise. Like any entrepreneur on the rise (or at least I thought that was to be the case), I had written down the goals I had set out for the year ahead in my diary in December. 

Today I had the most awful experience. I was on an introductory call in relation to a government grant for the development of Robotic Marketers technology, and the external consultant intimidated me from start to finish.

I fell apart. I wasn't on my game. I didn't react well and I felt as though being a woman was to my detriment. I doubt he would have talked over a man in the same way he talked over me. He never let me finish a sentence, nor did he care that he was in fact representing a taxpayer body.
Last week we had to put off one of our remote workers in my technology startup, something that many small business owners have had to do of late. I dwelled on it for two months and tried to figure out how I could keep him on staff and in the end I was pushed against a wall. I had to make a decision.
In truth, I have no risk management solution in place. My glass is half full, I am the eternal optimist and there is this underlying belief that 'everything will be alright'. 

So, when COVID hit, I thought it would pass. A few weeks of hysteria and then we would be back to normal. A small bump in the road.
In the past 2 months I have spoken to more than 100 entrepreneurs in the technology, professional services, manufacturing and logistics industries. There has been a common thread to many of these calls, mostly that their website needs a revamp and they want to up their digital marketing efforts. It's not rocket science I know, but many companies didn't get on the digital bandwagon fast enough and have left it to the last minute. Better late than never, and there will always be those of whom think they can wait a little longer, which means ultimately, they will be the one's with less clients at the end of the day.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going - or at least so they say.

It's been a difficult few months for businesses who are navigating a new way of doing business, or forced closure. To say that it has been tough is an understatement. Like many entrepreneurs, I have been feeling the pressure and at times it is unsurmountable.