Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: marketing - Page 27

The most significant blind spot that companies have to deal with is understanding what their customer's journey is. What is it like to purchase your business? Understanding your customer's journey is a crucial part of improving the overall customer experience. Without this insight, you will never know the obstacles or challenges that your customers might be facing in their decision to make a purchase. You need to deeply understand what it is about your brand that attracts customers, and what could potentially turn them away. Essentially, you need to walk in their shoes. Below, we have five steps to consider when creating a customer journey map.


Published in Marketing
Monday, 15 June 2020

The magic pivot or play

We're almost six months into the year and from all accounts, it's been the most challenging, disruptive year in many of our lives. For business owners, it's been a time that has led to much reflection; cutting costs, closing doors, pivoting. Who would have thought that we would all be in this position together?
Published in Marketing

No one would have planned for the current economic and social circumstances, which is why so many businesses have taken such a large hit in the wake of this pandemic. While there are certainly plenty of challenges that businesses face in a time like this, there are also some unique opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers. Through social media and content marketing, businesses can continue to engage with their customers to maintain that strong relationship. Below, we have three types of content that are perfect for a time like this.

Published in Marketing
The day I landed in Aspen at the start of March I realized that something was different. It was eerie. The streets were quieter than they normally are that time of year, and there was this sense of not getting too close to anyone or else something terrible might happen.
Published in Entrepreneurship

Are you having trouble converting your leads? It might be because you don’t have a lead nurturing process in place. Establishing strong lead nurturing tactics is crucial to growing your business. Without these processes, there is nothing to impact or influence the customer’s decision to make a purchase. To truly nurture leads, you need to provide relevant information at multiple points throughout the beginning of their relationship with your business. Below, we have 4 tactics to effectively nurture your leads.

Published in Marketing
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