Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: Workplace balance

In the midst of a bustling workday, the notorious afternoon slump often makes its unwelcome appearance. As energy levels dip and focus wavers, productivity can take a hit. However, overcoming the afternoon slump is not an insurmountable challenge. Let us explore the science behind the afternoon dip in energy, its impact on productivity, and most importantly, effective strategies to beat midday fatigue and enhance your productivity.
Published in Management

Unless you have been sitting under a rock, the workplace as it was once designed no longer exists. The dynamic between employer and employee is often marked by a subtle yet powerful force: entitlement. This multifaceted environment weaves threads of expectations, rights and perceptions, shaping interactions and influencing the very fabric of organisational culture and influence.

Published in Management