Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: technology marketing

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force the horse to drink it. Many forward thinking entrepreneurs have embraced AI and shared with their teams new ways in which to improve productivity and outcomes, but push-back is greater than many think.

As a marketing agency owner, I was the first to get my team to get onboard with ChatGPT in November last year. Imagine how surprised I was that in January, many had said “we haven’t gotten around to having a look at it”.

Published in Marketing

What’s the Meta-verse?

In-case you haven’t been paying attention to the latest upcoming changes of the internet – let me explain. Facebook is changing its company name to “Meta”. This rebranding aims to reflect the company’s new concept of a “metaverse” which Mark Zuckerberg promises will be a world as “detailed and convincing as this one [Earth]”. Whether Zuckerberg is successful in pulling off what might be the most ambitious and “next biggest chapter” of the internet is for another blog... but what this uprooting of the Facebook we all know and love - can mean for your marketing team needs to be foreseen and accounted for.

Published in Marketing
At Marketing Eye, we have an entire division that is focused solely on B2B marketing in the technology sector. Having come from a technology marketing background and started my first business solely focused on B2B marketing for some of the world's largest technology companies, it comes as no surprise that technology marketing would be such a huge focus for Marketing Eye.
Published in Marketing