Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's


Sunday, 29 May 2011

Small business wins again.

If a week is anything to go by, then I had better get a move on. Dragging my tail, procrastination and falling asleep on the job, just won't cut the mustard - as they say.

A new way of looking at things has emerged, and batteries are well and truly charged to maximum capacity. What was the change?
Monday, 17 May 2010

Optus Does It Again!

If you read my blogs you may remember that I have had numerous problems with a faulty Blackberry that Optus sold me almost 2 years ago.
Published in Management
Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Vodafone – are you serious?

I am in the middle of a very busy day and I get a call on my mobile telephone from a voice activated message by Vodafone.
Published in Mellissah Smith
I am sure you have heard many times before my issues with Optus. I can’t believe the bad service continues. They take no responsibility for anything yet again, I have gone 1 month without a mobile phone. Twice in one year – now that’s a record. Last time was 7 weeks thanks to Optus.
Published in Management

Ok, I have had enough! It is the fourth time this month that I have had to spend more than 30 minutes on hold because my message bank keeps reverting to an automated message that has nothing to do with my business.

When is enough, enough?

How many times should someone have to ring a company to tell them that they are not providing an adequate service? Why is my phone doing this? It hasn’t happened before and ironically this has only happened since my Blackberry was taken to a service centre for 7 weeks to be repaired when I was told it would be 2.

It gets worse. I only know this, when a client takes the time to tell me that there is no message bank on my phone. How many calls have I missed?

7 weeks for a Blackberry repair that was purely the fault of the phone, with no replacement phone and a number of Optus representatives lying about when I would receive my phone back. I was told that I was in fact getting a new phone from Canada and that is why it would take an additional 2 weeks, only to receive my old phone 3 weeks later. Unbelievable!

Never will I have a contract with Optus again. They should be bending over backwards to fix the situation and yet, they have their Indian Call Centres answering the phones and have no regard for customers whatsoever.

Optus… not a ‘YES’ company, but a ‘I DON’T CARE’ company.

Published in Mellissah Smith