Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: AI in marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has rewritten the rules across industries, with the marketing sector experiencing some of the most dramatic shifts. Initially, during the early days of the pandemic, companies found themselves in search of experienced marketers to make sense of the rapidly changing consumer behaviours and the sudden shift to digital channels. Marketers were in high demand, with many commanding salaries up to 100% higher than their pre-COVID rates.

However, as the economic impact of the pandemic deepened, the situation reversed dramatically.

Published in Marketing

In Maryland's competitive corporate world, the need for inventive and successful marketing techniques has never been greater. Enter Robotic Marketer, a ground-breaking artificial intelligence platform that is changing the way businesses approach marketing. Robotic Marketer, with its advanced algorithms and data-driven approach, is changing the way businesses approach marketing strategies. By evaluating market trends, customer behaviour and competitive environments, it gives essential insights that help organizations stay ahead of the competition.

Published in Marketing

Marketing strategies tailored for Gen Z and Millennials require distinct approaches due to the different characteristics, values, and media consumption habits of these two generations. Both groups are technologically savvy, but their preferences and behaviors can greatly influence the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, especially in lifestyle products like sunglasses. Here's a comparison of strategies that could be effective for each group: 

Published in Marketing

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force the horse to drink it. Many forward thinking entrepreneurs have embraced AI and shared with their teams new ways in which to improve productivity and outcomes, but push-back is greater than many think.

As a marketing agency owner, I was the first to get my team to get onboard with ChatGPT in November last year. Imagine how surprised I was that in January, many had said “we haven’t gotten around to having a look at it”.

Published in Marketing