Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Date: Sunday, 06 September 2015

Sometimes I am given great topics to write about just because I am out there living life to the fullest, experiencing as much as possible. I meet people from all walks of life and am continually exposed to different cultures. This is what I really love about my world.

Yesterday I received an apology, actually two from someone. As I read it and re-read it, I realized that it wasn't an apology, it was just words so that the person could get themselves out of a spot of bother. They didn't care less about the apology, but were probably advised to do so.
Published in Mellissah Smith
I can't believe I am saying this just days after I reminded my blog readers that I refuse to reward bad behaviour - that I am in fact, not going to put any more energy into someone who I can't change or rectify their bad behaviour. At some stage, people just won't change. They will laugh it off and pretend it didn't happen.

Then what happens is you spend your time putting in place the procedures to ensure that their bad behaviour is not rewarded only to find that you have spent a lot of time and effort and at the end of the day, they are who they are, and most people if they have not been brought up properly with good manners will never change.

Most people are good. They care about others and they in general do the right thing. But we don't always get that right and when its a matter of the heart or a business deal that has been ruthlessly dealt with, we sometimes want to fight back or at least teach these people who always get away with it, a valuable lesson.

But only hours after agreeing to something, I have decided that its not worthwhile. It won't teach them a lesson and it may hurt others that don't deserve to be brought into the drama. 

Some people are not nice. Not kind. Not honourable. Not respectful. Leave them fly from one friend to another and only have people around them that they pay or support to have there.

While the rest of us can enjoy being with our loved one's, caring about not just our family and friends but others around us and showing good manners even in the worse situations.

So sorry readers... I have had a change of heart in the past few hours and for me its best. I have an amazing business to focus on and I can't afford to waste time on people that are just not nice. Karma always comes backs and bites them. I don't need to! Nor do I need to contribute to it.
Published in Management