Tag: networking
5 Tips for Networking at Marketing Events
Whether you're an entrepreneur or a marketing consultant on the job, you want to make a good impression during networking events. The beautiful thing about networking events, however, is that they may benefit you whether you're an experienced business owner, a beginner, or an employee. Networking can be done in a variety of ways; online and in person. As a marketing consulting firm, we find that we get the most benefit out of in-person creating valuable connections. However, I've made some really great friends and met clients via Twitter - which has had a high impact on my business over the years.
My Experience as an Intern at Marketing Eye
My story about how I began interning at Marketing Eye is probably not very different from most. I arrived in Melbourne in February this year as an international student to complete the second half of my Master of Publishing and Communication degree. From the course name itself, you can probably guess that marketing was not one of the core subjects involved. My course and subjects revolved mostly around the publishing industry and communication via digital media.
Becoming the ultimate networking ninja
A fresh set of 'Marketing Eye's'
While many have felt that I have sat on my hands, I have been quite deliberate. I needed the right person to be in the position that had the skills and passion to take the business forward.
How to flirt with your customers
You walk in to your favourite restaurant and immediately, something beautiful captures your attention. Summoning all of your courage, you walk over to that breathtaking prospect and begin your introduction. I’ll stop you right there - I’m not talking about a man! I’m describing a potential new client, and that instantaneous attraction of making a new connection. Similar to dating, you must approach business like you would a potential mate.
Yes, I’m encouraging you to flirt with your customers.
100 ways to improve your small business marketing – Part 3