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Marketing automation is more than just a buzzword – it’s a way businesses can flirt with their customers writes Mellissah Smith.

You walk into your favourite restaurant and at a glance lock eyes with something beautiful. You muster up all your courage and risk stumbling over your words as you begin the conversation with your breathtaking prospect. I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not speaking of a potential relationship between a man or woman. In fact, the prospect in your sights is possibly your next new customer. There is no denying that in business your approach is everything. Similar to the lives of all single people, we must flirt with our customers, begin the conversation, maintain friendly communication and close the deal. So, just how do we flirt?

Marketing automation is the new wooing machine, with every single element of the marketing mix taken into account. It allows you to create chemistry with your potential customer by enticing interaction.
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 1 JULY 2014; Australia’s leading pool covering company has hired Marketing Eye for 12 months to run their marketing department. The appointment comes as Marketing Eye continues its aggressive growth strategy in new markets capitalising on the company’s international presence and custom media platforms.

“Remco sells the highest quality pool covering systems in Australia and services all States and Territories,” confirmed Mellissah Smith, Managing Director, Marketing Eye.

“Their brand is reputable and has extended to include affordable coverings as well as high end designer pool covers.”


Marketing Eye, one of Australia’s leading international marketing consultancy firms has signed GP Graders, a world-leader in technology-driven fruit and seafood grading systems.

GP Graders chose Marketing Eye due to the company’s ability to both scale-up as required and service both Australian and the US markets, with localised offices in each location.

Marketing Eye has been employed to further develop the GP Graders brand, redesign the website and develop ongoing marketing campaigns for the company in Australia, US, Chile and European markets.

Published on WorkflowMax

Ah marketing – the bane of many business owners’ calendars. We’ve got to do it, but it takes precious time and resources away from what we really love doing – which is working with our clients.

By learning to do marketing in a smart way, and to create low-cost strategies with results you can measure, you can actually cut down on the time spent marketing, and focus on the techniques that WORK for your business. And one of the best ways to learn about what is and isn’t working in marketing is to read marketing blogs. You get all the information you need in blog-sized chunks, and you’re able to access the top marketing minds without having to pay them thousands in consulting fees.
By Susan Jennings, published on

Mellissah Smith has spent more than two decades working in and thinking about marketing, experience that has culminated in founding Marketing Eye, an agency for small and medium-sized businesses. Mellissah spoke with us about the future of marketing, and the opportunities marketing offers small businesses.
By Leon Gettler; Published on Business Spectator.

How much of the family connection needs to go into the marketing of a family business? The argument in favour goes like this: a good corporate reputation is essential for success. The idea of ‘family’ suggests stability, which translates into quality service and high integrity. The result: trust and loyalty among customers and a better reputation.