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News - Page 5

Published in BRW and Australian Financial Review
If you’ve Googled a restaurant recently hoping to check out its rating on Urbanspoon you’ll have noticed something strange – it no longer exists.

In January Indian start-up Zomato acquired the restaurant reviews site for an estimated $US60 million ($82 million) and in June Urbanspoon dissolved without fanfare, with its traffic redirected to Zomato.

The move has triggered angst from some of Urbanspoon’s loyal users, with a few taking to social media to voice their frustrations.

But independent brand analyst Michel Hogan said Urbanspoon users would most likely adapt to the new platform.

MELBOURNE, 22 July 2015
– Marketing Eye, Australia’s leading small to medium B2B marketing consultancy, has announced the launch of Marketing Eye magazine, a quarterly print and digital magazine for a new class of marketing executive who cares deeply about marketing and the stories behind it.

“Marketing Eye magazine fills a void in the marketplace with depth, humour, and an unwavering respect for marketing, lifestyle and entrepreneurship,” says company founder and publisher Mellissah Smith.

“Created for the modern, discerning executive, Marketing Eye magazine plays on every entrepreneur’s desire to examine and highlight the brands, products, marketing tools and trailblazers making an impact in the marketing world today.”
New doors open for Boon Edam in Australia

MELBOURNE: 17 July 2015 - Royal Boon Edam, the world leading entry expert and provider of sustainable, secure entry services, has launched its highly anticipated Speedlane Lifeline series of security entry barriers into the Australian market through its own Australian subsidiary. Launched during the Security Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, with the well appreciated support of the Dutch Consul-General Willem Cosijn, last week marked the beginning of a new chapter in the long 140 year history of Boon Edam.
by Sylvia Pennington published on The Age

Managers are unimpressed with Gen Y staff, so what lessons do they need to heed to make them more employable?

Considered taking a young person on in your business then thought better of it?

You're far from alone, says Melbourne hospitality entrepreneur Peter Coronica. His latest venture is Fingerprint Me, a private youth employment academy offering career counselling and coaching to help under-25s become more "job ready".

Ruth Ostrow, The Australian

Most of us have realised the degree to which negative thinking undermines our success and creates unhappiness. The negative self-talk keeps going like a nasty old woman perched on our shoulders: “You’re not good enough”; “You’re a failure”. Or a more personal voice as we struggle with daily challenges: “I’m disorganised”; “I’m fat”; “I’m a fraud”.

Or mantras from childhood: “Life’s hard”; “People will take advantage”.

Sydney Morning Herald

The cherry growing market is buoyant, and many fruit growing businesses are seeking opportunities and building partnerships with overseas buyers. But breaking into global markets takes time and effort, as we have learned.

When we first considered exporting manufacturing equipment as a business strategy we already had some demand for our cherry grading equipment. Early on, one Italian customer purchased three of our machines to sort and grade cherries. It was from this one customer – who happened to have a very high profile in the industry – that we were then able to build relationships with European and Turkish customers. This taught us that it is vital when considering export markets to gain key contacts that will help push your brand and product.

After our initial market entry, we began receiving more interest from Italy and around the same time were approached by an Italian agent to represent us. This allowed us to develop a more concerted push into other export markets.